Since last night when the #CRomnibus was taken up in the House of - TopicsExpress


Since last night when the #CRomnibus was taken up in the House of Representatives, supporters of this bill have couched their support in the language of compromise. “This isn’t a perfect bill,” they say. But on the contrary, it is perfect. As a representation of everything wrong with Washington, D.C, and as an example of exactly the kind of unfair, unrepresentative legislating that triggered successive electoral waves of bipartisan condemnation in 2006, 2008, 2010, and again in 2014 – the CRomnibus is perfect. Nor do members of my party have the luxury today of blaming this latest failure on the outgoing Senate majority. No. This one is on us. Americans just last month thought they went to the polls and voted for change to stop this kind of thing – unread, thousand-page bills written in secret, filled with hidden favors for special interests while funding the lawlessness of an out-of-control president. Americans looking for that change won’t find it in this bill.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:51:52 +0000

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