Since my knees have resricted me even further, Im watching a lot - TopicsExpress


Since my knees have resricted me even further, Im watching a lot more of the christian networks, and wow, what you can hear! Not a good wow, either. Some things you can hear are at the least erroneous, at the most dangerous. Dont get me wrong, Im thankful for some of them, not being able to get out and go like I need too. Im going to borrow from Jeff Foxworthy(sort of). You might just need to really examine your church if: You hear a steady diet of messages proclaiming the superiority of that denomination. Your preacher says God told me this last night a LOT. Your preacher spends at least equal time selling books and dvds of his new revelation Your preacher tells you that the only reason you are sick and/or broke is because your faith is weak. Your preacher preaches a standard of exellence that you (or he/she) has no chance of living up too. Your church is ruled with an iron fist by a board. Your church spends more time arguing about the color of the carpet, than praying for the lost . I fully realize that I may offend someone by this post. I have been in a bunch of churches, and seen them grow, seen them die, seen them explode, and seen them wither. If I cant share from my experiences, and help us all learn from them, what good is wisdom that comes from experience? I AM NOT backsliden, a defector from the faith, or negative about churches!! The Church (not your denomination) is ABSOLUTELY VITAL, To your Christian walk. Take it from a man going it alone for the most part, YOU NEED THE CHURCH! A good pastor is a gift from God, treasure him, pray for him, as he alone will stand in judgment for what he teaches you. The Bible says ALL have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God If we say we have no sin, we lie, and do not the truth The apostle Paul (who wrote 2/3 of the new testament) said it this way: the good I know to do, I do not; and the things I know I shouldnt do, those things I do News flash-you arent perfect, and neither am I. Our salvation is either by Grace, through Faith, in the Work of Jesus Christ on the cross, or it is a deception. Strong words, I know. He came to seek and to save the lost, paid the ultimate price for our salvation, then sent the Holy Spirit to be your helper and constant companion. You cannot do enough good works to pay your way to heavenNot of works, lest any man should boast, ”Paul said. We do good works BECAUSE He saved us, not to convince Him to save us. OK, Ill climb down off the soapbox.. Do you still love me? (¬_¬)
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:30:07 +0000

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