Since the creation of man, the human nature has disobeyed Gods - TopicsExpress


Since the creation of man, the human nature has disobeyed Gods orders and followed Satan just as Eve and then Adam did. Just like today, Adam did it because Eve did it. If they would have obeyed God and rebuked Satan we wouldn’t be in such mess today because we would have never known sin. Women are the worst by far. Our human nature draws us to want to be rulers of ourselves. We cannot adhere to higher authority except by deceit. That’s why Satan is so good at his job. He knows what we like and he is the father of deceitfulness. Just as in the days of Noah, if the people had obeyed God they would have been saved with Noah and his family. But they thought Noah was crazy, until it finally rained. It was too late then. Many people have never read about Noah because they listen to Satan that tells them not the read the old testament so they’ve missed out on a great story and moreover, the main reason why Jesus came to fulfill the law in the New Testament. They don’t read the end of the book because Satan said they couldn’t understand it anyway. SMH.. It’s the same today, Satan has told us not to worry about Gods law because it’s dead and sure enough some of us believe the liar even as we have read Jesus said He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it (bring to reality). Even though I’ve always known Sabbath was Saturday (doesn’t take a genius to figure that out), I too thought that I could choose whatever day I wanted—continuously disobeying God willingly. Instead of believing the word, I kept asking people whom I surely thought would know since they were preaching and been doing so for 20 and 30 years. I ask a preacher whom I attended a church of and he told me the same thing but deep down in my heart I knew he was wrong but I wanted to follow the world and deny what God said. Needless to say, soon after I strayed away from God, that church split up and that preacher left his wife for whatever reason but I seriously doubt is was one that God permits. See that devil is no good and he is only out to get much company in hell. What kept standing out in my mind was the fact that the bible says few will find the truth and many would not. The road to salvation is straight and narrow; the road to destruction is crooked and abroad. As I looked around there were so many Sunday churches and you could barely find a Sabbath church. Hmmn. Doesn’t that sound like few? Doesn’t a Sunday church come up on every corner because everybody’s bickering (having internal strife) and just can’t be on one accord with the word of God? There’s just no peace in them demonic spirits. There is a reason for that! It’s of the pure devil. You all keep thinking I’m crazy just like Noah was deemed crazy and this too shall open up your eyes when the wrath of an angry God falls upon this sinful world; it’s going to be too late then. You can’t say well God I didn’t know because you do know but you refuse to change, my pastor said the law was dead, my grandmother said we had grace now, or Jesus rose on Sunday so I thought it was okay to make Sunday my Sabbath. God forbid, even Jesus rested in His grave on Sabbath because it was a gift from His father and a great benefit. Jesus said Sabbath was made for MAN; not just Jews. It’s going to be a sad day when God opens that book and your name (that you surely thought would be) is not written there because you disobeyed Gods commands and listen to Satan’s sweet lies once again. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. Follow him, do His will, and let your light shine for others to follow. I’ve never been more contented to be a follower in my life and the Lord has turned my life around tremendously. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 05:08:46 +0000

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