Since this page is run by a male and there are so many people that - TopicsExpress


Since this page is run by a male and there are so many people that think men are lesser in magick, or should be excluded completely, let me spin you a tale of history. Lets default to the Greeks, since it is such a popular pantheon. They had instances of BOTH male and female priests/priestesses. They even believed that the female only acted as an incubator for the child and that by ejaculating into a woman, the man was releasing a very tiny human that would grow inside of them. Now the Celts. There were instances of both Cunning Men and Cunning Women. But things were definitely steered in the womans favor since the Goddess was seen as the Creatrix. But even in Vikings, there are instances of Vardlokkur (I might be spelling that wrong) where a man would summon spirits of the dead through song and commune with them for divination purposes. Hatian and African religions. There are Root Doctors/Witchdoctors, whom are male that practice magick. There are also women that practice as well, but all the instances of fear about a practitioner (that I have heard of) always involves a male practitioner in Africa. The zombie raisers are usually seen as men, though I might have heard of one being female. And the ones that you go to for curses are usually male as well it seems. Even in the slave quarters here in America, when voodoo was being born, there were male practitioners that would place things on their doorways to steal the luck of those entering to play games of chance and betting. Mesopotamia. Here is a system that is beautifully constructed and is pretty ancient. There were Priests AND Priestesses. To be one you had to be from a family of status and have no physical defects. The men would serve a God, and the women would serve a Goddess. Though there were some women that would serve the Moon God of that religion (thats right, he was male)! And of course they had sacred whores as well in Mesopotamia lol. These are just a few of the cultures that I could have gone over, but it seems in EVERY culture, there have always been instances of both male and female practitioners. To say that magick is a female based thing is just an attempt to balance things that the Patriarchal Abrahamic religions upset. But not only that, it is just flat out wrong. There are societies where females had more power than men, and societies where men had more power than females. And others still where the two were seen as equal for the most part. This isnt a rant, but its something that needed to be said.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:05:21 +0000

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