Since we fell behind a little on the Vinnie updates lately, youve - TopicsExpress


Since we fell behind a little on the Vinnie updates lately, youve got an extra long Vinnie-O to enjoy today! Vinnie has had lots of adventures lately, and he has to admit......hes not really enjoying the change of the seasons. Last week, it was soaking rain and pollen showers. This week, we had the hottest day so far today when the temperature went up over 90 degrees. Vinnie is not thrilled with the recent change of events, so he shredded a pillow today in protest. After all of the stuffing was cleaned up and Vinnie settled down from his temper tantrum, he relaxed a little and ventured outside again for a visit with his pal Rocky. Vinnie continues to love every dog that he meets and naturally, everyone loves Vinnie. Vinnie and Rocky had a good time running back and forth, sharing a salad, and even getting a little shower to cool off. After Rocky had his fill of the heat and humidity and asked to return to the air conditioned comfort of his run, we decided to fill one of our kiddy pools for the Vinster to see how he would like it. Youll see that he was pretty unsure about it, but Vinnie is a good sport always and will try anything. He got his little footsies wet, but that was enough for him for his first try at swimming. Vinnie continues to make amazing progress and is still on his strict diet and exercise plan. We keep him moving throughout the day, every day, to build up his strength in his hips, and to keep his joints moving. He is making fantastic progress and were just so proud of our little guy. Were so thankful too, to all of you. Were it not for the support of our many, many generous donors, we would never have been able to do all that we have done for Vinnie. With his medical expenses reaching over $15,000 now, every penny that you have donated toward his care has helped him immensely. Thank you all so much. If you would like to make a contribution to our Res-Q Fund, which there is a never ending need for, please click here: Thank you all for continuing to follow our little buddy on his journey, and please stay tuned for more from the Invincible Vinnie.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 01:22:16 +0000

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