Sitting here in the Paris airport waiting for my flight back home, - TopicsExpress


Sitting here in the Paris airport waiting for my flight back home, it is hard to find words to describe my experience of the last two+ weeks. I have reunited with old friends, met many new ones, tested myself and others, and witnessed strength and fortitude in others that humbles me to the core. Everyone has been so generous and hospitable it makes me proud to call them friends. In the whirlwind that has been my last 9 days here in France, I have been remiss in reporting on the stellar event organized by Jan Gradon and Jarek Struczinski at Zamek Gniew, Poland. It was clear early on that Jan and Jarek were keen on their new association with WorldJoust, and they made wonderful strides in the world-wide marketing of their event, promoting it on the web and here on FB. Upon my arrival in Poland, I was welcomed with open arms and friendly smiles from all of the Gniew tournament colleagues. It is clear that the castle facility has jumped forward by leaps and bounds due to Jarek’s efforts in its reconstruction, and the facilities and accommodations are enviable. Weather is the enemy of any outdoor event producer and unfortunately we were burdened with extremely difficult conditions. Conditions that would challenge even the most seasoned organizer. Only through Jarek and Jan’s determination, by adjusting the schedule, bringing in tons of sand for the tilt run, and moving some of the activities indoors to the castle’s covered courtyard, did these fine gentlemen meet the challenges that hours and hours of rain and wind presented, which continued even into Saturday of the tournament. Considering the weather challenges, it’s a testament of our Polish friends’ commitment to their guests that they were able to soldier on despite circumstances that would certainly easily wither lesser men. Yet they persevered. Just a few of my highlights from my Poland visit were... Seeing the many national flags flying alongside the Gniew and WJT banners, on poles adjacent to the tiltyard. One of the most memorable and impressive tournament VIP receptions/Opening ceremonies I’ve had the privilege to be part of. Experiencing the dedication of the tournament crew in the face of adverse conditions. Reaquainting myself with the crossbow, in an atmosphere of brotherly comraderie. Visiting Malbork Castle and the wonderful tour so generously and passionately offered by Marek. Our visit, though brief, to the Cathedral in Gdansk. A gem that I think is largely unknown in much of the rest of the world. The admirable fluidity with which Jan and Jarek addressed the challenges present by adverse conditions. ..........and of course the soup. :-) All in all, it’s clear that Jan and Jarek are devoted to their work, and do everything in their power to look after their guests and to organize things in the best way that circumstances allow. I heartily applaud their efforts and very much look forward to visiting them in the future. For now, I must allow my experiences at the Neauphle tournament and in France to “sink in” a bit more before I report on that. So much has happened here in such a short time that I can’t really wrap my brain around it all quite yet. I think by early next week I’ll have a good enough handle on what’s gone on (all good, surely) to offer a report. Right now I need rest, so hopefully I’ll be able to get a little sleep on the plane. ;-) En Paris...........a bientot, Jeffrey H.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 07:55:22 +0000

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