Sitting in the worship service this morning I realized that even - TopicsExpress


Sitting in the worship service this morning I realized that even though I thought I had moved on from past mistakes that I have been wearing the residual labels. They are negative labels given to me from my past, from negative circumstances and I have even given some to myself based on my own perception. I am grateful that I live a wonderful life and I now see clearly that I have created it and become what I am IN SPITE of the labels that I wore. I never took the labels off--I just decided that I would push them down, cover them up and work hard for the life I wanted anyway. What more could I have accomplished if I simply removed those labels and accepted the only one that counts--Child of the Most High God?! My Heavenly Father also calls me Blessed, A Royal Priesthood, Highly Favored, The Head (and not the tail), Daughter, Righteous, The Apple of His Eye, and Friend. Today I forgive myself for wearing erroneous labels that lie to me; ones that were ultimately heaped on me by the enemy of my soul. I forgive myself for accepting those lies as truth. We all have to learn how to forgive ourselves and stop carrying around the regrets and mistakes of the past. Jesus forgives us for our failures and sin, yet WE dont forgive ourselves. We MUST remove the negative labels and TRULY walk in our highest selves. That is where we will do our highest good. So I ask you: What do you need to forgive yourself for? What labels do you need to put to rest? #warriorinHISarmy #acceptingmyorders #youhavebeenforgiven #ihavebeenforgiven
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 04:50:15 +0000

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