Siyanqoba Siyinqaba rally attracts thousands Sunday 28th July 2013 - TopicsExpress


Siyanqoba Siyinqaba rally attracts thousands Sunday 28th July 2013 - 9:16 PM Zimbabwe is in intensive care unit and the only prescription that could heal it will be available on Wednesday 31 July when people voted for the MDC whose foundation was based on devolution of power, President Welshman Ncube said today. He was addressing thousands of people at Stanley Square in Bulawayo during the Siyanqoba Siyinqaba Presidential rally for devolution. President Welshman Ncube commended supporters for coming out in numbers and sending a clear message to those who always call the MDC a smaller faction. “On Wednesday next week all the power to control Zimbabwe will be in your hands through a pen and a ballot paper, it is up to you Zimbabweans to vote for party that will bring evident change in your life and a party that stands for devolution of power. MDC-T and Zanu- PF are anti-devolution and this was evident in January this year at the State House when President Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai were refusing to have devolution of power in the new constitution,” said President Ncube. He added that President Mugabe was too old to rebuild Zimbabwe and called on Zimbabweans to let him go and rest in his rural home. “Mugabe is even afraid to campaign using his current picture. He went to his 1975 file pictures, it is the one that you are seeing all over, and if posters were votes for Mugabe, he was going to be smiling. Mugabe has destroyed Zimbabwe to an extent of turning it into a donor nation. “Morgan is also unprincipled, he is tribal and he believes that he alone can rebuild Zimbabwe. Mugabe and Morgan have spent millions of dollars on campaign material yet the country is faced with numerous economic challenges. ZEC has a financial crisis but Zanu-PF and MDC-T have cash to splash around yet the electorate is starving,” added President Ncube. President Ncube said he would not take part in a coalition of convenience and that he is in the Presidential race to win and not form a coalition with MDC-T whose principles are miles apart from MDC. He cautioned Zimbabweans against voting for Mugabe next Wednesday as this would result in Zimbabwe being entered in the Guinea Book of Record for the second time. “Firstly, Zimbabwe is in the World’s records for abolishing its currency. Secondly, Zimbabwe will be in the GBR for voting into office the oldest President world over. My party will rebuild Zimbabwe brick by brick, line by line and these other parties are there to get jobs and perpetuate your crisis,” said President Ncube.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 08:29:24 +0000

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