So, Chris White tagged me to list my 10 favorite books. This was - TopicsExpress


So, Chris White tagged me to list my 10 favorite books. This was actually pretty hard to do, but here they are. 1.) The Farseer Trilogy: Robin Hobb This is the story of a Royal Bastard (as in illigitimate child) as he is trained from childhood to be the Kings assassin. You will feel his frustration, empathize with his rages, and your heart will break with his sorrows. And every single time he strikes back at his oppressors you will exalt with him. Dont believe me? Try it. 2.) Without Remorse: Tom Clancy Everyone who has read a Tom Clancy novel knows who John Clark is. Hes the most ruthless operative the Cia has, spoken of like the boogieman in hushed whispers at Langley. But this is the story of how John Kelley, family man, and Vietnam Vet with the world as his oyster became the ruthless killer that is John Clark. A must read for Clancy fans. 3.) Doom Knee Deep in the Dead: Dafyddab Hugh and Brad Linaweaver Yes this is based on the vidoe game Doom. No I cannot pronouce the main authors name. This book is TERRIBLE. The dialog makes me want to grind my teeth, the writting itself is nothing to be impressed with. Im pretty sure there are better fan fics than this. Trying to put a plot into Doom failed in the movies, and before that failed in this book. Why is it on my list? Because the action scenes are just stupid, mindless fun. Like the game. 4.) Nueromancer: William Golding I actually dont think this book is all that good in writting. But in influence this is a masterpiece. William Golding started the idea of Cyberspace. At least as near as I can find he did it first. He is to Sci Fi what JRR Tokein is to fantasy, and while I find this book only average, Im including it here because it paved the way for a genre that has both thrilled and captivated me for my entire life. He also wrote the short story Johny Mnemonic, wich was both better and worse than the Canoe Reefus movie. With a description like that how can you not check it out? 5.) The Night Angel Trilogy: Brent Weeks Another tale of a boy raised to become an assassin. This book is filled with a world so perverse and depraved that the main characters murderous actions actually start to seem the least of sins. This trilogy is filled with intrigue, likable characters, vile antagonists, and justice at the point of a knife. Read it. 6.) World War Z: Max Brooks Ok, I like some zombie stuff. And this is fantastic. This reads like a collection of interviews and short stories which all stand well on their own, but when put together tell a chilling tale about how greed, ignorance, and outright stupidity nearly cost mankind everything. This is a great book. 7.) Blue Moon Rising: Simon R. Green If you like traditional fantasy, dashing heroes, Evil foes, and plenty of daring do....then youre in the wrong book. Blue Moon Rising is a tale about Dragons that are terrorized by princess heroes that get it wrong more ofton than not, and just keep going anyway, and pretty much breaks every rule of traditional fantasy. And thats why I love it. 8.) The Riders of Lost Creek, The Mountain Valley War, Kilkenny. Louis LAmour These three books were written by the great Louis LAmour, and yes they are westerns. They follow a gunslinger named Kilkenny and while somewhat cliche perhaps, Ive found that LAmour is a master story teller. I was first exposed to these on a boat where I had nothing to read save the Captains stash of western novels and these three have stuck with me ever since. 9.) The Last Wish: Andrzej Sapkowski This book spawned the book series, video game series, and tv series that is The Witcher. Geralt of Rivia is an amazing character, and the world he inhabbits is a great thrill to see. I highly recomend this, even more so than the games. 10.) The Belgariad: David Eddings My favorite fantasy series I believe. Coming from someone who has read both RA Salvatore, Tokein, and George RR Martin that means something. These books were given to me by a friend (Thanks Shannon!) and from the moment I started the first book, untill the final page of the last I could not put them down. Filled with likeable characters and a world that simply leaps off the pages and into being around you this series is fantastic. 11.) Preying for Keeps, Headhunters: Mel Odom My two favorite ShadowRun novels, and Ive read ALOT of those over the years. If youre a fan of cyberpunk you should check this out. 12.) In the Hour Before Midnight: Jack Higgins The story of a mercenary in 1969 Sicily this is a mafia revenge tale through and through. The characters, setting, and entire feel are quite believable and Jack Higgins is a most excellent tale spinner. My mother owns this book, I do not, although I have borrowed it many many times over the years. 13.) Enders Game: Orson Scott Card Yes, the movie sucked. Yes Orson Scott Card is a terrible person. No, the rest of the series in the Enderverse did NOT live up to this book. (Though they wernt bad.) This book is special to me. I have read it and read it ofton. In fact in high school, during one summer while I spent a few months grounded this book was my only source of entertainment (hidden securely beneath my matress). I would read it by flashlight in the night. I dont know how many times Ive read it now, but I know that when the author changed 1 single sentence in the most recent release of the book, I caught the change on my first time through. As a bullied child I always felt I could relate to Ender, and that has stuck with me through the years. I know, thats more than 10. Now, Kimberley Connery, Jake Wann, Richard Palmer, Dawn McElheney Porch, Shannon Price, and Michelle Ratcliffe (Long time no talk to you btw) What are your favorite books?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:40:31 +0000

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