So I got the number 7. So lets see, 7 things most people dont know - TopicsExpress


So I got the number 7. So lets see, 7 things most people dont know about me. 1. I had to bury my angel Isabella Whisper Doerr in 2001. She was 19 days old and died on Christmas morning. It happened at like 4:47. A.M. I came out from the hospital and it started snowing. I went home and opened presents with the rest of my children without telling them what had happened. I told them she was asleep until two days later when we were on our way to the funeral home after I picked them up from my friends house. Christmas and life has never been the same. I miss her every second of every day. 2. I am scared of being alone in the dark because of this. Not because I am scared she would haunt me, but because that night was the first night since she was born that I had turned off the aquarium in our room since she was born, the only night we slept in complete darkness, so now I sleep with the closet light on with the door closed. 3. I have not been single for more then 2 weeks at a time since I was 15 years old. I cant stand sleeping alone so I always make sure I dont have too. 4. I have a long list of mental problems, I am bi-polar type 1, manic depressent, ptsd, chronic anxiety, and borderline personality disorder(if u research this then you will see why I dont stay single, Im co-dependent and affraid of being on my own. 5. I had 4 kids in 5 years at ages 17,19,20, and 21. All my biological children have the same father. I wish I would have had him just give me 4 sperm samples the day we met and then left. Our lives would have been better. He was very abusive to all of us. 6. I had smoked pot a couple times as a teen and drank a couple drinks and dropped acid one time at a party when I was 15. I was pregnant at 16. I never touched another drug until after my daughter died. Then I became a drug addict to numb the pain of losing her and while doing so I stayed on and off with their loser father who rubbed my sons face in his own shit and then threatened to kill me when I called the cops told the cost when they found him that he would kill us all before seeing us with someone else, so they put my children in protective custody to keep them safe from their vengeful father, left me to fight the system alone to get them back. Even though I never did anything wrong, the paperwork even says so, except not turn in my abuser sooner, they kept my children for their own saftey I fought for 3 years before they terminated my parental rights, not one charge against me, not even negligence, and they stole my children even though both Harrison and Floyd county DFC went to court with me on my side telling them legally they had no grounds to keep my children. They still did. I havent seen my 3 children Sabastian Kain, Drake Tyler, or Katerina Leah in 7 years. My oldest will be 18 this year and we will be a family again. 7. I have cleaned up my act, and am now in college to become a substance abuse counselor so I can help someone like me not lose everything just to numb one pain, I lost everything until God gave me Natalia to be a mother too. She may not have my blood in her veins but she is just as much one of my children as the rest. She saved my life and made me want to stay clean and be better for her and for when my other children come back as well and I spend each day counting the blessings I have, taking care of my grandma and giving back to the community that I robbed from to get high. Thats my story and I couldnt have made it through without the help of my beloved Gib Duley. He keeps me strong when I am weak. If u like my status or reply to it I will give u a number.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 10:52:03 +0000

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