So I had a moment today and lost what little mind I still have - TopicsExpress


So I had a moment today and lost what little mind I still have left. I was driving to get a bite for lunch at a shopping center near my office. So I am turning left in a single lane turn lane and am three deep behind a station wagon with what appears to be an older couple it. Mid turn this ass-hat in a new car speeds around the line turning and almost hit the station wagon, then speeds off. The couple paused as if they were going to follow the afore mentioned ass-hat, they decided not to, but I had had enough of the bad behavior and wanted to see what was so damned important, so I followed him. Ok so right about now I can hear Steve, anyhow I stayed behind to find Costco was the important matter at hand. Long story short I ended up giving the guy a piece of my mind and letting him know he could have at least apologized to the couple instead of me. The moral of this tale is that he did something bad and I really didnt do anything good, but I cant say that it didnt feel good to stand up. Now I just have to learn to not do that anymore. Oh and the ordeal made me want a sandwich from one of my favorite local businesses. Now back to work. Have a good and safe weekend all.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:29:37 +0000

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