So I have been asked by several people what exactly went down at - TopicsExpress


So I have been asked by several people what exactly went down at Senator Warners office, why I am bothered by it, and why it committed me to this new fight. First my man Gregory Amerault has petitioned for over a year to be seen and heard by the Senator. He woke up and drove 2 hours in traffic for this meeting. He left his wife at home whose due any day now because he believes in this cause. He was led to believe he would have an audience with the senator..instead we were put in a small room with what amounted to an aid and intern or two aids. The first aid (the veteran liason non the less) took us into this room and got right on her phone while we talked. The senator never showed. Clearly us taking 7 hours out of our day didnt warrant 30 minutes of his time. ..I say 30 minutes because it was made abundantly clear that we were on the clock and that they had to go. Once we got into the nitty gritty which was me basically saying we have to stop drugging our service members I was told that they realized this and they were a little behind the starting gate.... To which I pointed out that we have been at war for 13 years now. ..just getting out of the starting gate now is a joke. Greg mentioned that we have a recruiter for ever service member going in that we needed counseling options for everyone coming out...... Well..Thats not in the budget. I was then asked...what could WE do to help them? By we she meant the veteran community. Which honestly pissed me off greatly. We make up less than 1% of the total population. We are scattered to winds accross this country but we are expected to be the ones to police everyone in our ranks after we get out. So this government has the funds to recruit our youth. It has the funds to send us to war..yet some how It loses the funds to provide care upon our return. The result....we are killing ourselves at a rate of 22 per day or one veteran every 2 hours. Whats worse.... I only expect that number to grow as we cut back the size of our military and all these individuals enter a job market where many cant compete. Trust me I know shooting people doesnt really round out a resume like they tell you it does. So I am going to fight. I am in the works of talking to a large number of people. We are going to start a movement. My goal is that movement ends up at the steps of of the capital with a voice so loud it cant be ignored. We are going to make sure America sees the faces of my brothers and sisters. We are going to raise funds to get others help so that we can stem the tide of this senseless death. Dave Posin and I are going to put our money where our mouth is. I will work closely with those in both active and veteran communities to effect change. I am taking this weekend off because my groomsman have went out of their way to set up a nice weekend for me....but when I come back it is officially on. In the meantime please help me start the #22needsaface movement. Any time you share a story or a fact about this problem please hash tag it. Their storys need to be told. The fight needs a face. I cant do it alone. Please help me win this fight.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:34:31 +0000

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