So I have been thinking(It happens) its been three months since - TopicsExpress


So I have been thinking(It happens) its been three months since getting the baton back and other than kicking accounts that are dormant and having a guild meeting I have not really done much. And honestly in those 12 weeks I have probably been on 10 times if that. I will blame life for some of that, and I will also admit that the game does not hold much interest for me anymore but as a D+D geek from eons ago this game will still hold some part of me no matter what the content. Some of it was also that despite our plans three months ago to start ramping things up again the mojo seemed to die almost the following week where nothing really changed. People who wanted to do things still did not sign up for things and we were still at square one. This was a little disappointing to me and I am sure a few others. So what to do with it all? We thought about merging but the logistics like most said almost never work out, and there was even a time where I was just going to give all the officers $10,000 in gold and a thank you letter then kick everyone so you could start in with a new place. But it came back to our core of players and the hat they can hang here as their guild. Insert your favorite thing about them here __________ because they all bring something to the table and whether or not you agree with them 0%-100% of the time, we at least respect each other to come together to game. And so I wanted to start this sentence with a word that did not start with an “s-o” word, and I have, and no what to do, what to do. And then it hit me like a gnoll on Bubbaprime in Redridge... its something I have been doing for over two years on the “dark side”. Lets choose a night, one night a week, to do something. It does not have to be raiding, although it could be, it could be just running dungeons together in mumble. It could be a transmog run, heroics, trivia night, re-roll night, insert your idea here _________. Its just one night a week, we all log in and figure out something or pre-plan something to do. We log into the game, we jump into mumble, and just hang out killing baddies, or, heck, we get a horde toon going and kill humans. Its just one night for us to get together. The rest of the week you can go back to being the lone herber\skinner\candle maker\dude that plays Flappy Bird etc etc. Lets pick a night, pick a starting time and have at it. Hell, we can even be flexible so that the people that cant make it on ____________ night can next week on _______________ night. Thoughts?
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:09:57 +0000

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