So I have reached the end of my first week teaching in Hanoi! I am - TopicsExpress


So I have reached the end of my first week teaching in Hanoi! I am loving the work. I have been constructing lessons based on past, present and future tense, also had speaking lessons with some 21 year old University students looking to improve their enunciation. Slowly but surely adjusting to Vietnamese life. Still trying to navigate the roads without ending up like the proverbial bug on the windscreen! Food here is delicious;discovered some great local beer and some French beer that was adopted by the Vietnamese during colonisation. Unfortunately the last two days I have come down with a sore throat and cough so evenings have been spent huddled in bed rather than exploring. It is still considered exotic for a white western woman to be living alone so Im never short of people coming up to say hello and to sell me all manner of things. The Old Quarter is a complete labyrinth; yesterday I got off at the wrong stop and realised that in fact I was no where NEAR my hotel. The hotel have given me what is essentially a dogs collar (a hotel address card). Basically it says to any local person who finds a stray English woman wandering the streets aimlessly to return her to her correct whereabouts. Unfortunately I had conveniently left this in a safe place on my desk in the hotel room and had a sudden mental block as to the hotel name so of course holy sheeat! sprung to mind. Luckily I found a tourist place, borrowed a map and it jogged my memory! Thats about it for now...missing the quintessential English-isms: PG Tips, Marmite, Corrie and of course family and friends. However, having some amazing experiences and making great memories. I hope to write on my blog once I get a spare minute, to go into more detail. :)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:52:47 +0000

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