So I have to share a funny story with everyone so you can see what - TopicsExpress


So I have to share a funny story with everyone so you can see what a normal day is at my house! My husband is very tolerant of Spirits in our home (he kinda has to be lol) but the other night him and I were out in his man cave (aka a finished garage) talking about the events of the day and as he was sitting in his recliner he looked behind him. I of course ask what hes looking at and he asks me if one of our dogs was behind the recliner. So I look and tell him no theres no dog back there and I ask why. He said someone just kicked the back of my recliner! I laughed and said well its probably a Spirit messing with you! I didnt think too much of it as this is a normal occurrence at our house and normally a Spirit will either show themselves to me or deliver a message so since this one didnt i honestly just kind of forgot about it! But I came home from work tonight and I hear our dogs bark and a man say be good coming from the man cave so I assume its my husband and I go in the door to his man cave assuming hes going to be in there! Instead I only see the dogs so I go in the house and see him cutting up potatoes for supper and ask if he was just out in the man cave and he said no I have been in here for a while why? I proceed to tell him why and laugh and tell him he has a Spirit hanging out in his man cave and its probably the same one that kicked his chair the other night! The look on his face was priceless! He has no problem with me communicating with Spirit but he would really prefer them to leave him alone. I had a good laugh and of course later will try to connect and see who this male Spirit is and why hes hanging out at our house but this is just a normal day at our house lol You never know what, when or how Spirit is going to make themselves known!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 00:08:53 +0000

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