So I meet this billionaire and we begin to share the word. He is a - TopicsExpress


So I meet this billionaire and we begin to share the word. He is a true servant of God, a church leader and a prince in the market place. And I use the term prince deliberately. Last year He made 600m in net profits! Anyway he shared some critical truths and my mind was spurred to meditate on Vessels of honour versus vessels of dishonour! For vessels of honour the spiritual is a lifestyle that has completely relegated the natural, physical, material etc. Their walk with God is validated by being spirit led, walking by faith and a constant walk of obedience that seeks for the commendation good and faithful servant. . The reverse is true for vessels of dishonour-they keep validating their walk in God by miracles and obtaining of material things! When the miracles cease, they enter into either religion or fully fledged flesh, accompanied by compromise and back-slidings. They constantly redefine things, programs etc because to them the physical manifestation is all that matters. The building blocks of their faith is supremely the visible. Yet we know the architecture of faith is the invisible and intangible. The beginning point of it is hearing from God and building by His word and word only. The vessels of dishonour, both individuals and flawed church institutions/systems wax in manipulation and divination so as to keep painting a picture of god is still with me/us. For the vessels of honour their portion is double in the sense that once the spiritual is established i.e. their faith has been tested, purified and fully established in God, the material keeps being added but the truth is they never pay attention to it. Very very few are here yet! That is why God said it is impossible for the rich in material to enter the Kingdom. He was alluding to the disposition of the heart especially where the material is established as a measure of life and success! But there is room for you and I to enter into that which is impossible with men; be rich in all ways yet humbly and faithfully keep God the primary thing. I saw it in that man. He is a reference point and an epistle in this age. In all humility He said this year I have only one prayer: to know God. And what shook my core is that both Him and wife told me they have never prayed for money for the last 10 years!! Really and Why? Because as much as it is permissible to pray for money and all that money can get, they realised it kills your prayer life!! Really and how? Whenever you pray for money the pursuit for it multiplies. Whatever you pray for, you come out of your closet to pursue it! For in prayer there is always instruction to execute so that your obedience can be said is complete!! So if you keep praying for money and things your meditation will remain on obtaining things even in the name of building the Kingdom!! Prayer generates meditation! So they have chosen the narrow path of never praying for money so as to keep the spiritual sanity of meditating on God. In meditation we seek to know His counsel, His will, observe His word with a diligent heart to obey and in all things keep His ways. From Adam to Job, Abraham and Solomon, it is clear that none of these men ever asked for silver and gold! God walked with them as they chose and He walked them into the material! They were trusted! It is one thing to say I trust God it is another thing for God to trust you! Have you considered my servant Job? How many would like such an intro by God and be ready to be stripped of all material obtainings? Did I hear Ishindwe!!. . Of course we are many! Don’t worry. This is the deal, for the vessel of honour, their heart has no room to meditate, seek, ask or knock for the material! Let us reflect on this truth and ask ourselves is it possible for me to walk as such? . . Choose ye this day, whether to be a vessel of honour or otherwise! Choose ye this day. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:50:07 +0000

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