So I received a phone call from the Mayo clinic yesterday with the - TopicsExpress


So I received a phone call from the Mayo clinic yesterday with the news that I will not be able to donated for Kim, due to the cysts they found on my kidneys and the risks it could leave me with later in my life. Ive put my whole heart into this donation, and knowing that I cannot be a donor now or in the future was hard news to here. The more and more Ive thought about the decision that was made the more clearer everything has become. It wasnt in Gods plan for me to be a donor, instead he wanted me to be an advocate. He opened so many doors in order for me to touch others lives. Ive been able to make others aware and step forward for Kim. We may not be able to control or like the answers God gives us, but it is in our control to embraces them. This experience has opened my eyes and heart in ways I didnt think was possible. Ive felt every emotion possible, cried, laughed, smiled, cried some more, broke down and stood back up. I just hope for our generation and generations to come that we can stand back and take a look at the world around us. Many of is are so incredibly blessed and its an amazing feeling to be able to poor blessings on others that need what we have. I always told Kim that she needed something that I have and it never crossed my mind not to share it with her. Because as humans thats our job, to take care of eachother. Thank you to everyone who shared our story, donated and supported our cause. It means so much to us. The remaining extra money that was donated will be put either towards Kims future donors expenses or toward a foundation. Always be good to people, being good to people is a beautiful legacy to leave behind.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 05:44:07 +0000

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