So... I sort of went on a rant tonight about immigration on a - TopicsExpress


So... I sort of went on a rant tonight about immigration on a friends post and I just felt compelled to put it on here... So here goes: This is strictly my opinion, so please take it as that. I think if we are to blame anyone in this situation, it would have to be the Mexican government. We havent helped, mind you, but if living conditions were better there (and in South American countries), we wouldnt have this kind of problem. Immigration has ALWAYS happened in America. WE wouldnt be here if it hadnt. Because of us, there are Native American languages and customs that are dying with the older generations. Its cultural genocide. So, if we could do it to the Native Americans, whos to say they cant do it to us? Land of the free... These people just want freedom. If they made it easier to LEGALLY become a citizen of the US, then we wouldnt have as much of this happening either. Theres no easy solution, but we cant say that we own this country and they have no right being here. I totally understand the welfare issues. I hate that illegal immigrants are able to get financial aid while living here, but with both sides of the government being at each others throats all of the time, nothing is done about it. I really dont think we can pin this one on just Obama. He just asked for money to help with immigration problems, but the GOP said they wouldnt give him the money. Without trust and helping on BOTH sides of the table, we cant come to an easy solution. Take it or leave it, but thats my two cents. ...Just one more thought that I hadnt previously stated: I have a lot of friends that I would have never met had they not come from Mexico or South America. They have made my life much more rich and full of life. So, to me, I believe everyone deserves a chance. Just make it easier to do so and have everyone be integrated into our multi-cultural, melting-pot of a society.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:13:46 +0000

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