So I told my physical therapist the truth today..... That Id give - TopicsExpress


So I told my physical therapist the truth today..... That Id give up walking in a heartbeat if it meant I could live a better quality life. 😏 It didnt go that wonderfully. My wheelchair has given me so much freedom! And because of it Im not laying on the floor screaming in pain half the time.... I dont care how badly they want me to walk! I used to be in so much pain that couldnt even brush my teeth without balling my eyes out... I have a part time job now, I can actually go grocery shopping on my better days...Im actually starting to get a little bit of my normal life back!!! 😊 And Im not going to give this up for anything! When youre in so much pain that you cant function, youll do ANYTHING to get better (even if it means giving something else up). I dont like the attention my wheelchair brings, I hate being limited by things like stairs, etc.... But the amount of how much it helps, significantly outweighs how much it limits me (which is really not much at all). And I certainly didnt appreciate being treated like a 12 year old child when I told her. She passed it off as if it was nothing and wanted to speak to my parents (who stand firmly behind me on this). 😊 I am 20 years old and I AM mature enough to make this decision! Youre not the one whos been in agony for the last 3.75 years. I have every right to decide this about my life. 😄 And Im NOT giving up. If Id only been living with this for a short period of time it would be very different. But Im done pushing through the pain, and frankly...the pain can suck it! ☺️ Im going to get better my own way, since the doctors have been useless and actually managed to make things worse... Im not going to go back to being a vegetable just so I can walk occasionally (and probably fall and hit my head AGAIN because my balance is so dangerously bad). 😊👍
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:54:56 +0000

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