So I wanna take a moment to kinda empty my brain of the thoughts - TopicsExpress


So I wanna take a moment to kinda empty my brain of the thoughts that have been swirling around in it for the past few days especially. Ive been just overwhelmed with thankfulness, and gratitude. I look at my life and all Ive gone threw. Its never been easy but its been wonderful. Ive always been surround by people who love and support me, even when there have been many others who havent. The last year of my life has been very eventful, and ever changing. Danielle, I want you to know that you are my one good thing, and that I will never take you for granted, EVER! Im so thankful everyday to have you in my life you will never understand quite what you mean to me!!! I love you with my life! Savie and Joe, you guys are my life boat! You two have always been there for me to tell me when Im being stupid, when Im over reacting, when I loose myself in my own head, or just when I need someone to tell me to just google it. You two will never know how grateful I am to have you and your children in my life!!! Fran and Pops, thank you! I cannot say it enough! Youve both taught me so much about life, and about who I am, how far Ive come, and who I am becoming! Oompie, man do I owe you one!!! You always know how to look at my situation and find the silver lining for me, and I never have been able to do that for myself. Youre my encourager!!! Althea, my love, you provide me with wisdom that surpasses me, and I am forever thankful to have you in my life!!! Diane, my other mother! I do not care what is going on in my life you always calm me down and sit me on the right path. You always have the right words to comfort me, and make everything feel better even if at the time its not, you assure me that it will be, that all shall be well. Fay, my bestest, you are my shoulder to cry on and you listen to my insane rambling ons, which makes you part super-hero!!! Thank you!!! Ashmo, you are my comic relief you and Johnny keep me entertained and uplifted! I love that we can all be there for each other even when we are miles apart! Concubine and JWoo, you know I love you guys!!! You two make me smile and always give me someone to pick on. Lol. I know I still owe you guys dinner :) Shira, love, thank you for always being my safe haven to run away to! Sometimes you just wanna go where everyone knows your name, ya know? I could go on and on with people, and things that make me smile for days!!! My life, just like any other, has ups and downs. I get lost, I get found, and often turned around. But by george I have an awesome life, and amazing people in it!!! I just want each of you to know that you have impacted me in a way that I will never forget! I am proud to say that I know and love each of you!!! You always said that you were lucky that we were all friends, but it was us baby we were the lucky ones
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:25:58 +0000

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