So I was called to Soccer practice the other day with a soccer mom - TopicsExpress


So I was called to Soccer practice the other day with a soccer mom telling me that Caris has been injured, its really bad, and do they have permission to call the ambulance....of course you do, is she ok, I asked? Soccer mom said no. I rushed up there to see my baby, screaming-crying sitting on top of the park picnic table. Learned that she couldve dislocated her knee when she was going after the ball. She fell to the ground screaming and couldnt get up. EMS arrived and said its not dislocated but maybe just a sprain. I opted to take her to emergency myself with their help getting her to the car. All of the soccer moms and kids were so sweet and supportive. About 10 minutes after crying in the car because the pain was excruciating, here is what took place. The Race in ER. After coming home and going to bed, this was curled up with both knees bent in a fetal position. I think shell live. She just needed to hear it from a Doctor.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:02:49 +0000

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