So I was deeply humbled by the prayer requests that have been - TopicsExpress


So I was deeply humbled by the prayer requests that have been coming in for Prayer! It kind of sparked a righteous indignation and a sort of divine anger at how the enemy messes with Gods peoples lives and steals the essence of their strength, both their PEACE and JOY through these unwarranted and unsolicited illnesses and diseases! So this morning I started earnestly praying, standing on and declaring Gods word over every situation when I noticed a pattern. EVERY TIME Id feel like I was DONE with a request and wanted to move on down the line to the next situation, The Lord had me stay on after praying all I knew in my understanding and just pray in the Spirit. After a while I got a little frustrated because it was kinda killing my PRAYER WARRIOR momentum ( ;) ), then I felt the Lord just rebuking me on that. I felt like he was saying, youre worried about and praying for their HEALING, but Im more concerned about their WHOLENESS!!! Im more than concerned about their broken BODIES, I want to heal their broken HEARTS, and THAT I understood, because as someone whos been very sick before, the FIRST casualty of sickness is DIGNITY! When youre sick or in hospital, nothing in your body is sacred anymore, Strangers (doctors/nurses etc) begin taking liberties with your body and your personals and you often feel SO vulnerable. That does something to hearts, souls and spirits! With that simple rebuke, AT THAT MOMENT I finally GOT IT! See God is looking for people, for INTERCESSORS who will BEAR his HEART for their WHOLENESS first, before attempting to bear his BURDEN for their healing. I THEN knew the true VALUE of a HIGH PRIEST who is touched WITH the FEELINGS of our infirmities, and that Evernote list IMMEDIATELY changed from being JUST a LIST of names that need healing, to a PRIORITY list of beloved sons and daughters that God is yearning to TOUCH, RESTORE and make WHOLE through the sacrificial groans of our joint intercession. I FINALLY got it! Prayer for healing is a PROCESS, because our God is extremely THOROUGH, even though we as humans are not, even with the BEST of intentions! How many times did the DISCIPLES, the VERY Fathers of our faith yank people from Jesus feet because he was spending too much time with the ONE at the expense of the MANY! But see, GOD is a GOD of the ONE! He didnt make a BATCH of people and then randomize personalities and then sit back and WATCH! No, he DELIBERATELY, and with GREAT love, care and INTENTIONALITY orchestrated your context! How DARE I assign to the assembly line of my GOOD INTENTIONS/benevolence a hand crafted classic? With that said, Im not even HALFWAY through that list, but now I KNOW that EVERY NAME and SITUATION on there is UNIQUE before the Father, for the SON has shared your pain, and is partnering with OUR prayers for your restoration. He will BREAK addictions, and SHATTER the shackles of SICKNESS from your bodies, from your BEAUTIFUL individual narratives as his PRECIOUS BRIDE! Brian-Sheryl, Feli, Gabriel, Norma, Sonny,Rhiannon, Elizabeth, Crystal, Stormy Taylor, Mudisa, Mike, Nate, Yinessa, Brittany,Beatrice,Robert,Dennis and more I apologize and repent for treating your requests as BATCH prayers, now Im on a JOURNEY of restoration on your behalf with my Father, and I just wanted to let you know, his HEART for you, and your situation is BOUNDLESS! BE ENCOURAGED, for the testimonies are SURELY coming, and when they do! PLEASE SHARE! Bless you guys, an thank you for the opportunity to labor for yall in prayers. Reward.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:03:19 +0000

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