So I was given 14 (things people dont know about me ) by - TopicsExpress


So I was given 14 (things people dont know about me ) by Donnie Wilkinson. 1. I learned to read at 2 years old from watching Sesame Street . My father came home later that night and tested me by having me read ingredient labels on cereal boxes. 2. Although I talked a lot as a child , the first complete sentence anyone in my family remembers came at age 3: Excuse me, where is the ketchup and the mustard? 3 . From age 3-5 I would not leave the house without two lamb chops ((the rib chops , with handles.) The local HoJos knew us well. 4. At age 4 I wanted to be a tuba when I grew up, as I loved Tubby the Tuba. At age 5 that had morphed into vinaigrette salad dressing, as I wanted to be fresh and new every day . 5. From age 13-17 (1980-1984) I was an avid shortwave radio listener. I had a reception report form which I would fill out and send in i return for a QSL Card. Heres one in my collection: flickr/photos/radiorover/439342479/ The sheer volume of mail from Eastern Bloc-associated countries caused my father, who worked for the USDA, to get a long and not entirely friendly visit from the FBI. 6. I used to talk to strangers everywhere, because I didnt want them to be strangers to me or me to them . 7. When I was 6 I announced that the world would be a better place if everyone would just listen to me and do as I said -and I still feel that way today. 8. I dont believe in Representative Government , perhaps because I know so many odd people that it seems impossible that they (or I ) could ever be properly represented by anyone but ourselves. 9. I rode horses for 10 years growing up, specializing in dressage. I was a national champion in my division. However, only two other riders competed in that Championship test. 10. When I was 11 I got my own bedroom . My patents offered to paint it any color I wanted . Apparently pink with purple polka dots wasnt considered to be part of the category of any color I wanted. 11. Pedicures are one of the best things ever, right up there with straight razor shaves . 12. I love to travel and explore new things, but my favorite place in the world is my bed. 13. When I was admitted to graduate school it was my second consecutive year applying to one particular school . Again, I was rejected by email. I wrote a long, impassioned email to the Graduate Committee explaining why, in good faith, I could not accept their rejection of me and why this decision could not be allowed to stand. They reconsidered and accepted me. 14. I still believe in free love. If you like this Ill give you a prime number.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:11:50 +0000

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