So Im gonna post something that will probably surprise and upset a - TopicsExpress


So Im gonna post something that will probably surprise and upset a number of my friends. I dont have too many problems with Glenn Beck (I know my liberal friends will jump for joy on this) but he is completely off on his attitude on Common Core, and he is extolling young Ethan Young as making the perfect case against it. Except that he isnt. Ethans remarks have little to do with Common Core other than as a buzzword. He presents his position well, and speaks clearly, but his position is based on completely false premises. Somehow, CC has become the Republican rallying cry. Unfortunately, in this case they have been duped into a completely liberal mindset on this one, and the bandwagon has everyone on the bus without recognizing who the driver is. The reason is that somehow people equated this with Obama - yet its not his program at all. Just a few short years ago, the conservative movement was all over accountability in education and the liberal movement was totally against it - we cant tell teachers what to teach was the watch cry of the Democratic NEA. Now, because an anti-accountability group of liberal teachers associated with Obama, the Republicans jumped all over it. If you listen to Ethans argument, he is literally saying that we cant hold our education system responsible. And so now Glenn Beck is pushing the same agenda the Democrats did just a few years ago.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:52:48 +0000

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