So Im rewatching avatar. Again. In accordance with my new found - TopicsExpress


So Im rewatching avatar. Again. In accordance with my new found love of the legend of korra the sequel to Avatar The Last Airbender. So heres the thing. Sand benders are earth benders who specialize in bending sand. Lava benders are earth benders who are able to excite the molecules present in the element of earth to the point where it becomes magma. Metal benders are earth benders that control the the impurities present in all but the purest metals such as platinum. Then you have blood benders that are capable of controling the water present in blood in order to manipulate people like puppets. However it requires a full moon unless your one of the bad guys for some reason. Additionally there were the benders in the swamp that bent vines. Then youve got the fire benders that are capable of producing lightning. Which as I understand it lightning in our world is plasma not actually fire. Yet air benders are just air benders. This diatribes purpose is for the purpose of illustrating the following point. All earth benders should be able to metal/lava/sand bend. These should be basic skills. The earth element is present in the 3 different forms of earth bending. As well, a truly sadistic earth bender should also be able to bone bend. Human bones are largely made up of calcium. Not to mention the iron present in blood. Someone like toff baefong shouldnt have any problem doing something like that. And if you REALLY want to get into semantics earth benders should also have an intimate knowledge of magnetic fields & their effects on their world. Magnet bending would most likely be the highest form of earth bending. All water benders should also be able to blood bend. Full moon or no. While I understand the presence of the full moon would/does strengthen water benders it does not change the fact that people are 70% water if I member right. If earth benders can bend metal just cuz of mineral impurities then water benders should be able to bend blood regardless of the phase of the moon. Had the southern or later the northern water tribes embraced this there would have never been a hundred year war & the southern water tribe would have never almost been eradicated. Especially if the foggy swamp water bending style allows for bending the water in vines. Fire bending if you boil it down (pun intended) is not actually simply the control of fire. Fire benders are capable of not only pyrokinesis but also pyrogensis. Which is basically just a way to say that fire bending should be more appropriately named heat or energy bending. As the show demonstrates fire is being brought into being via the excitation of molecules; usually of a combustible material such as a leaf; or more commonly oxygen. As such any skilled fire bender should be able to produce lightning, as demonstrated in the legend of korra via maako. This would also lead one to believe that a fire bender is also capable of being a lava bender as demonstrated in avatar the last air bender during Rokus explanation of the avatar state to Aang. Futhermore during the invasion of the northern water tribe Zuko states, I rise with the sun. Which would lead one to believe that simply having the presence of warmth empowers fire benders. If this is the case then the fire nation could have simply conquered the world merely by exciting the molecules present inside the human body to barbecue their enemies. This could be done surgically against a single enemy or against entire armies. If nothing else igniting the fat present in all but the most emaciated humans would have triggered the wick effect causing the person to burn from the inside out. Also since storms move based in part due to heating & cooling patterns around the world even fire benders incapable of producing spontaneous lightning should be able to call storms; and several fire benders should be able to call storms of epic proportions. Finally as I have established if fire bending truly is more aptly called heat bending the inverse must also be true, in that a fire bender capable of creating a flame is also capable of extinguishing the flame. As such a fire bender should also be capable of stealing the fire from their opponent by slowing the molecules present in all things. As we know boiling water boils because the molecules are excited & bouncing around & against one another. Where as ice has slow moving molecules clumped together. Therefore fire benders should also be able to freeze their target. Then you have air benders. Because Aang was the last air bender & because the air nomads were pacifist by nature the last airbender really didnt get into the capabilities of an air bending master. Concurrently since the legend of korra picked up after Aangs son & grandchildren were still the only other air benders the sequel hasnt really delved too deeply into it either. However based on what has been shown an air bender should also be able to blood bend & heres why. Red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to the whole of our bodies. By manipulating the oxygen present in the cells one could effectively control someone just as kitara does when she learns how to blood bend. In addition had the air nomads been willing to embace Zahirs philosophy no army would have been able to take out the air nation. By simple physics all an air bender has to do to stop fire is to remove oxygen. Without that fire cannot burn. Even milo should have been able to do that. Basically this exceedingly long post in to demonstrate that if you boil each of the four elemental bending styles to their very core youll find that all four elements are present in most things. Sand benders can pseudo air bend as evidenced by their sand sailers. Fire benders could pseudo water bend by controlling where heat exists & which molecules are heated or cooled causing water to condense or evaporate. Water benders could make the first hydrogen bomb effectively fire bending. And air benders could be earth benders by using air pockets beneath the earths surface to excise & move chunks of earth of varying sizes. In conclusion all benders should be able to approximate avatar level abilities. Also yes I know, Ive watched waaaaaay too much avatar & thought about this waaaaaay too much.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 06:54:18 +0000

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