So, Im standing in line at the grocery store little more than an - TopicsExpress


So, Im standing in line at the grocery store little more than an hour ago and theres a group of 4 women standing behind me in line talking about how much the prices have gone up at the store. Theyre comparing prices on this and that and how much more food cost now then this time last year. The conversation carries over into other things (yeah, the checkout lines were really long) being more expensive. One woman bring up the taxes on her paycheck and the cost of her health insurance. ...this of course peaks my interest and I start paying a little more attention.... One of the other women chimes in about taxes going up because California giving money to, and I quote her on this, every freaking illegal and ghetto rat. ...this predictably causes her friends to scoff her... And they chime in with their justifications of starving babies and Christian duty and poor Hispanics kids. ....Im chuckling at this point.... Then the illegal and ghetto rat woman says that Obama should start doing something about the poor kids crossing the border. The other women agree and she even gets an Amen from one of them. ...and then the Christian duty lady says something to the affect of if he doesnt then Hillary will. ....and thats when I lost it.... I turned, and rather abruptly, told them that theyre the reason prices and taxes are up. ...this got me some deer in headlight looks... I took a deep breath and said that the reason prices are so high is partly because of the social programs championed by Obama and Hillary and big govt. And that the welfare theyre saying is needed is paid for with their tax dollars, and that as welfare costs goes up their taxes do too to pay for it. That when taxes go up, the prices of food and services go up to maintain profit margins. This is turn causes welfare to go up, which causes your taxes to go up and so on and so on. ....more deer in headlights looks.... ....Them, the cashier, the bagger, and the people in the line behind us were completely silent until I left.... .....As a parting shot I told them that Obama was supporting Elizabeth Warren and not Hillary..... I hate living in the SF-Oakland Bay Area. - Wolf
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:55:17 +0000

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