So Iraq. What a total mess. Ive got a few things to say about it. - TopicsExpress


So Iraq. What a total mess. Ive got a few things to say about it. First, I cant help but enjoy the public relations whoopin that Dick Cheney is getting right now. When Faux news Megan Kelly can make you look like a fool, you KNOW you really messed up. Ironically, I seem to remember Meghan Kelly being a huge proponent of the whole War on Terror, so I really dont see how she thinks she can criticize Cheney. Anyway, that is all political theater drama. There is a real crisis over there. I cant really criticize Kelly or Cheney too much, because back 12 year ago, I was for the War on Terror, invasion in Iraq, and everything. When I became politically awake in 2007, I was really pissed that I had been mislead, and actually brainwashed, into this whole charade. So I went on a quest to figure out how I had been brainwashed, who was behind it, and what their goals were to do such evil things. Well I got the answers, and kept digging and digging and became somewhat of an expert on hidden agendas, the war machine, mental manipulation (aka Mind Control), money, and economics. The collapse of the US friendly regime in Iraq is just the latest of a string of failures of the western power blocks expansion of its empire, a concept known as The New World Order. Other examples are the failure to drum up main stream support for a western invasion of Iran, as well as an attempt to foment revolution in Iran, Natos failure to take South Ossetia in Georgia, Obamas failure to start war a war with Syria in response to the false narrative about the chemical attack that was blamed on Assad (all that stuff about the line in the sand), and finally the EUs failure to assimilate Ukraine and wrench Crimea away from Russia. This all comes at a time when the extreme stagflation that is about to take hold is starting to rear its head amidst deteriorating economic data. What does this all mean? It means that the central banking cartel that owns the US, EU, and Nato war machine are running out of wiggle room. Their agenda of world conquest has failed, and their methods of funding are on borrowed time, literally. Russia, Iran, and China have checkmated them geopolitically. They, along with Brasil and India, known as the Bric nations have checkmated the west. They are holding all the economic cards, they have the political moral high ground, and they are nuclear capable, meaning they cannot be attacked directly. Now that is pretty bad for the US by itself. Our currency is about to collapse, the treasury is going to default, and our world influence is going to disappear. All these things are right and proper, but what actually worries me, is what desperate action the psychopaths that are behind the New World Order are going to do to try to cling to power. We have already seen a strong attempt to confiscate the Military rifles of the public using abhorrent techniques, many of which too dastardly for the public to wrap their minds around, which thankfully failed. Im expecting more mass shootings with suspicious circumstances, terrorist acts to be blamed on the tea party, a push for more socialist control of the economy along with loss of freedoms, and a strong chant for war. This is all coming in concert with some drastic economic downturns. My advice is to get out of cities, liquidate 1/2 of your 401K to buy physical gold and silver coins, and have a few weeks worth of food and water stored to account for any supply disruptions that may happen. There is no need to panic, and the world is not going to end. It is just going to be really financially difficult for the average person and the government is going to be a real pain. I am taking my own advice and looking at houses on the east coast.I realize that this is not what the TV is telling you, but take it from me, you dont want to listen to them. A little preparation can save you a LOT of discomfort in the next few years. And lastly, dont listen to people that call people things like conspiracy nut, or hoarders. Media brainwashing is really effective and they just havent broken the trance yet. Some people just like to celebrate their ignorance by attacking knowledge and common sense. There is nothing wrong with being fully informed, aware, and prepared.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:25:26 +0000

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