So Ive posted this before, but I thought Id post it again for - TopicsExpress


So Ive posted this before, but I thought Id post it again for those of you who missed it. At the end of the details is a little piece of the story! 1. This book is about Tabitha, Emmy’s cousin, and Leo 2. I actually started writing this book long before AOP came to mind 3. Don’t remember Tabitha? Tabitha is the one that showed up at Emmy’s hotel room when Emmy went back to NJ – they had a conversation, though I never said about what. She was kind of with Leo in AOP, but not really. When Emmy asked Leo about it, he responded with “It’s complicated.” If you’ve read Tethered, she’s Tack’s younger sister. 4. Don’t remember Leo? Emmy and Kyle had dinner with him in Miami. Emmy may or may not have tried to get dirty with him. 5. As teenagers, Leo dated Tabitha’s best friend Leslie, but there was some obvious vibes between Tabitha and Leo 6. Tabitha is faithful to the Girl Code, the code that she and Leslie came up with when they were kids. In their Girl Code, dating of exes is forbidden. So, even though many years have passed and Leslie has almost entirely disappeared from Tabitha’s life, when she meets up with Leo again, she lives hard by the code, even if it means denying herself what may be the love of her life. 7. Will Tabitha crack? If so, how, why, when? What will Leslie have to say, if anything? What – or who – is Tabitha willing to lose? 8. What’s up with Tab’s brother? 9. Why didn’t she talk to Emmy for so long? 10. When will this book be out? I’m aiming for early October! *** This tiny little bit takes place when Tabitha and Leo were teenagers. “I thought we were clear on my feelings about you,” I said, looking away from his face. “I hate you.” “Hate is a strong word,” he said, bumping me lightly with his shoulder. “Come on, you don’t hate me.” “I strongly dislike you.” “How about…you don’t love me instead?” Leo suggested. I looked at him like he was insane. “I definitely do not love you. Don’t make me hurl.” He laughed again and I rolled my eyes. “How do you feel about me going out with Leslie?” he asked after his laughter died down. “Why would I care? I dislike you, but Leslie is allowed to feel however she feels about you.” He was quiet for several seconds, before softly answering with a simple “Yeah.” There was another stretch of silence, and Leo looked at me with such an intensity that I couldn’t look away if I tried. I was tied to his sea colored eyes. He sat up straight and leaned in too close to me. Too, too close. I stopped breathing. Why did I stop breathing? I hated him! “You don’t really hate me, right?” he asked so, so softly. My head answered him without my permission. It moved slowly, back and forth, back and forth.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:20:14 +0000

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