So all of us are upset about what happened to Michael Brown in - TopicsExpress


So all of us are upset about what happened to Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. I get it. Heres my problem though. How the heck do we as a black community get so righteously indignant when an unarmed black male gets gunned down senselessly by cops or anyone else unprovoked, but when black males kill other black males, we dont get as much or should I say even more righteously indignant?That is so backwards to me. I have come to the point that we as a minority community is in a state of civil war. You have two factions in this skirmish. You have one side that is trying to assimilate themselves into American society by way of education and setting up a value system for themselves that is acceptable to the rest of the country. Then you have the other faction, which has this nihilistic attitude that their lives have been pre-destined to not be willing to set for themselves these same said values, but instead choose a life of decadence, crime, violence and hatred (hence the hood mentality). The latter for some reason loves to drag everybody else around them in their own neighborhoods down along with them through the mud to the point that they hold vast amounts of power in these same impoverished neighborhoods. The former faction then feels like they are not safe, so therefore they decide to get out these same neighborhoods after acquiring their education and wanting to live somewhere else where it is safer. In conclusion, any sense of community as a whole is thrown out the window. These same neighborhoods need to stand the hell up and put these other people in their place and let them know that their various immoral behaviors are unacceptable. Otherwise, this hood mentality will continue to perpetuate itself, and any progress in the black community will be just be a revolving door. We NEED to do a lot better for ourselves as African Americans, otherwise, the stereotypes that other ethnic groups categorize us as (particularly white people) will continue to be reinforced in todays society. We need to do ALOT BETTER as a minority community. #politicalstatementoftheday
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:36:16 +0000

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