So apparently there are christians that deny climate change? Im - TopicsExpress


So apparently there are christians that deny climate change? Im surprised. If they were denying it based on some form of scientific study, or logic, Id understand. After all, every hypothesis has to be challenged. Apparently the primary argument, however is man couldnt affect the climate, only a divine power could do that. Wat? How do you know this? How do you know God did not make an earth that could be altered? how do you know that the fall of man or some other spiritual event did not alter that? This seems like dogmatic stupidity come home to roost. I am not even 100% certain where they would derive this concept from? All the studies point to climate change as very real. To just flat-out deny scientific studies based on half-assed dogmatic interpretation is the equivalent to claiming the world is flat. They dont even cite any specific biblical passages. It is a lazy and irresponsible way to handle things. It is the result of people who dont think for themselves or study for themselves but just buy into what ever asinine teachings they are fed. Christians need to be willing to accept that our concept of the world as we perceive God to have made it, can (and has to) change and adapt based on new discoveries. This pertains to not just climate change, but young earth / old earth, vaccines, evolution, adaptation and to every aspect of science and its impact on our lives. We need to be flexible. I am not saying giving up key doctrine, but climate change does not attack any core elements of our faith and even if it did, we would be duty bound not to just deny it, but to explore it. We need to grow up. I cannot believe that there are hold outs within the religious ranks that continue to flat-out reject science as opposed to attempting to marry it to their beliefs. Science CAN co-exist with spirituality. In fact it must. If God exists, then He must exist in harmony with science and vice versa. The lazy man will toss one or the other out and say only one exists. I think it is more responsible to accept there is truth behind both and acknowledge that they must co-exist and if they do not appear to, it is because we simply do not know enough yet and we must continue to dig.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:37:58 +0000

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