So for those of you who respect my opinion when it comes to comic - TopicsExpress


So for those of you who respect my opinion when it comes to comic related entertainment, here are my current thoughts on the most recent projects: Guardians of the Galaxy- Loved it. A wonderful and heartfelt adventure that harkens back to the sci-fi/action films of the 80s. Excellent casting and great special effects. I love that it opens the door to Marvels cosmic universe. Arrow- I have trouble taking this series seriously. I feel this show could be great if it wasnt a victim of its own image. In CWs desire to capture the 14-21 viewer age range the show relies on the same, tired, soap opera, 90210 tactics that so many series that came before it have used to death (Supernatural, Buffy, Angel,Smallville etc.) I love the mythos of the character and I see so much potential if the showrunners learn to not be afraid of utilizing the more incredible elements of the comics history. Agents of Shield- I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying this series. Its comic book, its sci-fi, its fantasy, its spy thriller. Its so many things all at once and it doesnt slow down. Its another example of Marvel outright embracing the roots of the comic, and taking those roots and forming them into a program that appeals to multiple audiences. Joss Whedons ability to bring together stellar actors into an amazing ensemble cast as well as his ability to plant intriguing plot elements along the way is as always phenomenal. Kudos to Marvel. Gotham- I gave a very harsh opinion of the pilot episode for this Batman prequel. I said the acting was sub par, the change in character concepts were perhaps a bit too far off from their comic counterparts, and the writing was primitive,(so many characters interacting too close together). While I stand by that first impression, I have to say that the show is slowly improving. I like the development of the Penguin and its great to show that he is far more sadistic than the comic ever depicted him to be. If the show keeps moving in the direction its going, We may see less of a show about young Bruce Wayne anguishing over his parents death and more of a gritty, twisted crime drama that pits the soul of a good cop against a corrupt system and a crumbling city. Still not keen on Riddler working in the GCPD crime lab. The Flash- First off, kudos to DC to have the balls to not choose a different name for this series,(Whats wrong with Green Arrow? Why just Arrow?). After seeing this pilot episode I was pleasantly surprised by the loyalty to the book. While somethings were changed and rearranged for different reasons, I found this first episode to be enjoyable. My only concerns would be that I feel that too could fall victim to the soap drama writing monster that torments Arrow. A little drama is good. A hero who has a life make him human. My other concern is really more of a pet peeve. Why cant the characters in so many of these shows actually LOOK like their comic versions? Why cant Barry be blond? Why is Iris African-American? Why doesnt Green Arrow have a goatee? It kinda drives me up the wall. So there you have it guys. Id like to hear from you in the comments regarding what you think or if I missed something.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:41:12 +0000

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