So grateful to God for His continued blessings as we enter day 2 - TopicsExpress


So grateful to God for His continued blessings as we enter day 2 of the new year. 2014 seemed to be a whirlwind! On one hand, my babies graduated from high school, so image the time, energy and dollars invested in SAT and ACTs, college tours, graduation trips, prom, graduation parties, college applications, tuition, books, increased car insurance, just to name a few! In tandem, we - my ride or die crew, collectively cared for our greatest advocate/critic/and pain in the butt. Whom, I personally miss. She has known me since I came home from the hospital with her sister. She was the last one in my very small family, who truly knew me to my core. She wasnt afraid to call a spade a spade, or some other choice name beginning with the word mother. Last year around this time, her diagnosis was confirmed, and she told everyone that she refused to die. So the battle was on. Power pump installation, chemo 3 x a week, and the side affects of chemo, a couple of stints in the hospital, and the cycle began again. Listening to the regrets she kind of admitted, or the guilt associated with certain life choices she made, was hard. The physical decline was even harder. Her memorial in Chicago was wonderful! And something that I needed. I needed other folks, to confirm the same stories and even share news about the life and times of Vertrelia. Ive kept addresses and some phone numbers with the intent on keeping in touch, maybe even stalking a few on a regular basis. 😀 Im not sad, just missing Vert, and the reality that she is no longer here. 2015 will be different not hearing her voice or smelling her cigarettes, or even her embarrassing outbursts in public, while my children fall out on the floor in hysteria - #hadtogetitoffmychest
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:15:21 +0000

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