So great to see the masses standing together to try and stop the - TopicsExpress


So great to see the masses standing together to try and stop the WA shark cull! The thought of these majestic creatures being murdered in their own homes disturbed many of us. So does it bother you that the liberals are backing the destruction of the Tarkine forest (world heritage recommended, largest remaining unbroken cool temperate rainforest in the Southern Hemisphere) which is home to some 60+ endangered Aussie species. They want to tear 9 mines into this fragile ecosystem and explore (clear and destroy) many more. This is one in the same as the shark cull, no? The tassy devil call the tarkine home and its the only remaining safe place for populations without the deadly facial tumour disease. If you care about the sharks, please care about the forests. This is only one of the many atrocities this government proposes against nature. Lets not forget about the great barrier reef! This is not the libs country to rule and destroy. We are a democratic state and they do not have your best interests at heart (unless youre a corporation, mining mogul or wealthy right winger). We need to start taking a little time to show our support for the things we know are wrong. That is all... In other news, Im off to Ho Chi Minh today yeww.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 01:18:01 +0000

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