So, heres my secret Ive been keeping that yall have been begging - TopicsExpress


So, heres my secret Ive been keeping that yall have been begging me to tell you about.... 10 years ago I learned that the man who raised me was not my biological father. Since then I have tried searching for my real dad, but really had no success..I hit a lot of dead ends but I never really gave up my search. About 3 weeks ago, I stumbled upon a girls Facebook with the same last name as my supposed biological father, through mutual friends we had. So of course I Facebook creeped and sure enough I found him!!! So I reached out to her and admittedly, she was very caught off guard by what I was saying. I would have been too I would have been like who is this crazy chick tellin me shes my long lost sister?! But through our mutual friend she was assured that this was the real deal and I wasnt crazy lol so she contacted her dad and gave him the information and said he would message me when he got things figured out. So a few days later, we talked on the phone and he said it all made sense and it felt right that he would be my dad, and after piecing things together it just seems right. And that he was sad he had to miss out on 26 years but is just looking towards the future and wanting to take the next step on getting to know eachother if thats what I wanted. Keep in mind I was ready to tell him I didnt need anything from him, was just wanting to be able to close this chapter and move on. So his reaction was better than I was expecting. Fast forward to tonight. Tonight I met my dad for the first time. He switched his plans of flying to go see his dad, to driving because he wanted to be able to stop here on the way and meet me. We met for dinner and both were nervous, but once we got to talking everything felt very natural. We had a lot to talk about!! Hes a manufacturing engineer,very smart guy! We have a lot of similarities and things in common in the way we think- how our minds work and what we like and are interested in...I finally found out where my singing talent came from! both of our eyes do the squinty thing when we smile, blonde hair and blue eyes. How when people tell us we cant do something, we go do it and prove them wrong, Lots of stuff!! I also learned I have another little sister and not only a new sister but a little brother!! Ive always wanted a little brother!!! As I gave him a hug goodbye he thanked me for never giving up on trying to find him. He will be stopping back through next weekend on his way back to the QC to meet jake and the girls and Ill also meet my aunt uncle and cousin then too! Im excited to meet everyone and get to know my siblings!! Oh I also found out one of my good friends is actually my COUSIN!! How crazy is that!!! Its crazy how things turn out the way you never expected :) So there you go. Its all out in the open now, no more avoiding the question, no more what ifs, no more telling paityn I dont know when she asks me who my dad is. we are taking baby steps but theres nowhere to go from here but forward, we cant change the past, and thats ok, all that matters is we found eachother finally and I look forward to what the future holds!!!! #nevergiveup #havefaith #believe
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:38:09 +0000

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