So i guess today i was supposed to spend some time with nature. I - TopicsExpress


So i guess today i was supposed to spend some time with nature. I head out on my quad to flag some trails and flag some distances from the tree stand to help my woman with distance shooting. I wander around on the quad looking for sign, scraping and the usual stuff. Eventually i wander to a trail about 2 miles from my stand and start heading back home from there. I come upon a swampy area and creep into it figuring i can back out if it gets too bad. NOT! I start to get nervous and figure ill back out, so i throw it in reverse and its to late....Im hung up. The wheels spin, the bike drops and im now wet ankled with water 6 inches over my boards. Then i realized im screwed when i look up and there is absolutely nowhere to winch to except about 50 yards ahead and i took my rope out of my 2-up seat box. So i step off the quad to grab my rifle and i sink to about 2 inches above my knees. Needless to say i now start walking the 2 mile trip through the woods to the nearest house i know of with my squishy wet and cold feet. So i know there is this little creek in between me and the house im walking to and i figure im already wet so a couple feet of water cant get me any more wet can it? Besides going around it the other way is about a 5 mile trip. After an hour or so i get to where i can see the creek Im happy because i know im about a half mile or so and its starting to open up to field, not bush. I walk up to the creek and guess what?......Its 5 feet deep! Im now getting tired and thirsty and was supposed to be back to pick up the kid from her Grandparents an hour ago...LOL. I start travelling along the creek now hoping for a spot that is shallow enough to get across. I find one i never knew existed under the hydro line. I guess it was put in for Hydro to access, so my journey continues towards the house i can see in the distance. Finally i get there wont believe this.....hes not home, hes out in the Combine. Anyways his Wife, (new mother of like 3 weeks ago) packs up her newborn baby and we grab every chain, rope and tow strap we can find and head out to get my bike out of there. One little tug backwards and ploop! All ends well......Lesson of story.....Dont take your 100 foot rope out of your quad box, it may get left behind.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 00:36:36 +0000

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