So if I am understanding what I read here and elsewhere, the feds - TopicsExpress


So if I am understanding what I read here and elsewhere, the feds are taking the word of the illegal aliens as to their identity without any identification, then transporting them to detention centers where they then accept what the illegals are telling them as to their family or other personal connection to the United States and the illegal identifies the city of residence of this connection at which time, they are then flown by commercial airlines to the city and dropped off. They are allowed to fly bypassing normal security measures utilizing a document that they receive from the feds which is basically just a typewritten document of what they, themselves told the feds...nothing ever verified. They are then told to report to a court in that city within 24 to 48 hours which approximately 45% of them ignore and do not report which means that the feds have now lost track of them altogether. Oh, and about 60 to 80% of these illegals are teenagers some of whom are tatted up to show a gang affiliation. And we are talking about some 52,000 of these illegals since October of last year with hundreds of them crossing the border daily and searching for Border Patrol to turn themselves in so they can take advantage of this procedure of Welcome to America! And Obama refuses to go to the border and instead yucks it up with his buddies and laughs at Rick Perry. No sense of urgency to change any of this procedure in order to stop them from coming. Obama tells everyone it is the Republicans fault because they did not pass his proposed immigration bill. HA! HA! So sue me! HA! HA! says Obama and even quotes a line from a favorite movie which I am sure entertained his Hollywood buddies. Oh yea, and I am doing my job you are not doing yours. Right. And we have a current and continuing threat to the people of the United States from terrorists who would love to take us out. Possibly many of these gang members could have been or will be recruited by the terrorist groups to create cells in these destination cities and at a certain point they might rise up and attack in some manner? Oh what do I know, I am just an everyday retired schoolteacher from Texas. You know one of those nutcase conservatives from Texas. Well, Rick Perry may not be the most eloquent speaker, but I judge a man by what he does not by his ability to be a silver-tongued devil who seems to delight in sarcasm and criticism. I wonder if he was yucking it up with his buddies the night that our ambassador, Chris Stevens, was tortured, raped and murdered in Benghazi. Was he watching it real time on a big screen? Maybe someone should tell Obama that what he is seeing is reality, not a Hollywood movie with actors and stunt doubles. So, Obama put down the popcorn and cold beverage and get with the program. You were elected president of the United States, not most popular or most likely to succeed. There is work to be done. Take a long, hard look in the mirror as we hope you can change. If not, there will be hell to pay for all of us. The terrorists hate all Americans, including you. Obama if you had a hand in orchestrating any of this. You made an unfortunate deal with the devil. I pray for our country, and yes, I pray for our president. Grow up, show up and perform the duties of the office of the presidency of the United States of America.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 01:16:55 +0000

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