So im sitting here, finally got around to listening to the State - TopicsExpress


So im sitting here, finally got around to listening to the State of the Union address. Still am actually as i type this. And all i can think is that is it really this easy to be president? Obama isnt even that great of a speaker. Hes ok. I could do atleast a comparable job. And *all* of his facts are pure poppycock. Absolute BS. those of you in my Speech and Debate class know im a master craftsman of BS. Heck, if thats all it takes i should run for President. BILLY 2032 (ill be 35 in 2031). Yep. Its coming guys and lord help us when i get elected. Anyway enough horn tooting lets talk about Obamas speech. Multiple times he mentions that he will take actions ON HIS OWN and GO AROUND CONGRESS. Lets focus on that shall we? Congress exists for a reason. Americans live under this illusion that all 3 branches of the govt are equal. Let me fix that for you. Your wrong. Period. End of story. Congress is massively more powerful than the other two put together. The president has one significant power (and mr. phillips will argue otherwise) and that is EXECUTIVE ORDERS. most of us have heard of them but almost noone knows what they are. Well you know all those departments of this and that. You know: agriculture, Homeland security, defense, foreign affairs etc. well as Chief Administrator one of the presidents powers is control over these departments. So he can issue a order to these departments to do something. For instance. Remember during WWII where we relocated all the japanese people in america to internment camps? yeah that was a executive order. not congress just the president. So EOs are pretty serious stuff. And Obama has issued a unprecedented slew of them. Infact he has issued a total of 168 of them to date. While less than some presidents and not even close to FDRs record of 3,522 Obama has a record of signing some very controversial EOs. For instance one of the big issues was that obamacare wasnt going to apply to politicians, well that was a EO. not actually apart of the law itself. Also we need to keep in mind that most of FDRs EOs were for one specific thing like appointing August A Gennerich to be a operative in the secret service without a civil service exam (#6071) while Obama has a record of issueing EOs that cover a wide range of issues in a single order for example executive order 13498 includes 3 sections with atleast 4 subsections each (section 2 has 5) while the one listed above has no sections and contains only 2 sentences. Also there are only 2 ways to eliminate EOs. They can be overwritten by a more recent EO or can be altered by a law passing in congress. At the moment they do not supersede the law although they have usurped basic rights in the past including the suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln. And since it takes Congress months to do anything other than the Patriot Act (which passed in 3 days) their response to EOs has typically been slow and drawn out if not nonexistant. So whats important. Well congress is still the most powerful branch by far and thats by design. The founders wanted them to have the ability to run the government as needed. The president was never much more than a figurehead. This is so no one person becomes extraordinarily powerful. And the man YOU voted into office wants to fling that desire to the wind and become a dictator. And during the speech people clapped when he said these things. Americans are blind, deaf sheep. Even on the off chance they obtain valuable information they are too stupid to process it. anyway imma get back to this speech and remember BILLY FOR PRESIDENT 2032 :)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:38:05 +0000

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