So..... it appears that there are indeed a few folks who belong to - TopicsExpress


So..... it appears that there are indeed a few folks who belong to the OOO page whose politics are still pretty Tea Party STUPID. Yeah, I check ya out. Sue me. In some cases, our conservative friends might be folks who honestly DO seek some type of polite, civil discourse, and look to gain information through give and take conversation. Lord knows that I get het up occasionally and have been known to be a bit strident in my declamations..... BUT - If you are one of those people who hates that there Obammer just becuz, or who STILL believes utterly ridiculous paranoid fantasy TRIPE such as Obamacare death panels, the Benghazi conspiracy, or the Gubmint gonna come take my gunses away, do NOT be surprised if someone in this group calls you a moron. I take great pains to avoid personal conflict in the social media. The best tool I have for this is the Block feature on my personal newsfeed, but I also have administrative rights for OOO / OUT OF OFFICE, and Ill use them. I invite all OOO members to examine their motives, and their politics, and make damn sure that even if you dont agree with it, that you can at least keep up with the conversational thread. This aint FOX News, and it aint MSNBC, and its not some idiotic meme-filled PAC-funded Moron web page. I check all my FB friends out. (You should, too.....) I am rarely fooled. On occasion, I go to someones page and see that they are an actual functioning part of a group or groups of individuals who I would not associate with in REAL life. Why should anyone expect me to put up with that shit in the virtual world? The only pass I care to give is to the younger folks who havent really had a chance to gain much life experience, and whose politics havent quite, uh... gelled yet. I used to be like that, back before the truth about our government became oh $$$$O plain.... But there is hope there with the kids, and maybe, just maybe, if we can persuade someone to THINK, they will eventually see past the pure HATE that undeniably permeates and fuels the Ultra Right. So, bottom line, this post is by way of my regular (every three or four months) warning that I do not tolerate HATE, in any form. Call it politics. Call it conservatism. Call it Libertarianism. Call it Rights. Call it patrioitism. Call it Religion. Call it whatever the hell you want, but I know what it is, and most of my sane, intelligent, informed friends also recognize it. Its hate, and Ill block yer ass, and I might not return your calls. Lifes too short for haters. Step careful.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:56:13 +0000

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