So just finished with the Sunday crew. Though I was short two - TopicsExpress


So just finished with the Sunday crew. Though I was short two heros from the active roster we proceed forward. The heros had crashed landed near East Rift were they took to the Rift wood forest heading toward Earth heart the huge Dwarven kingdom. Earthheart hangs on the wall of East rift just above Underchasm. Leveling with the Dwarfs they find them preparing for a possible invasion from the Drow bolstered by an undead army. Klaus Darius is thought to have gone there to make the Shadow ladys offer. From an earlier encounter the heros had been owed a favor from a warrior protecting one of the house Baenre priestesses. The question before them was now how to enter the famed Drow city Menzoberranzan. Then once there locate this warrior and enlist his aid in finding the tainted ink well that will allow the Shadow Lady complete power over the Book of Vile Darkness. Tomorrow I will tell you how they plan to enter this Drow city of intrigue. As always its about good friends good games and good times.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:42:12 +0000

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