So last night I ran the new BA for the first time. I played - TopicsExpress


So last night I ran the new BA for the first time. I played against DE with 4 allied nurgle heralds and a unit of plague bearers. Main weakness of his army was an almost complete lack of anti tank. I had 3 tac squads, 1 dev squad, 1 quad auto dread, and a sanguinary guard/priest/librarian deathstar, and two aegis defense lines. I accidently was unbound woops. Turn 1 (T) - He rolled poorly and immobilised two of his skimmers in ruins and only killed 2 SG (Sanguinary Guard) in his shooting. Turn 1 (B) - I Rhino rushed the 3 tacs up and jumped the sanguinary forward. Devastators, Quad guns, Quad dread killed the immobilised venom, and blew up a (the wrong) raider. I forgot to ask which one had his warlord so I just hammered one.This cost me big later. Turn 2 (T) - He boosted his reavers into my deployment zone 3 of the heralds came in, but not the scourges. Turn 2 (B) - I killed one of the heralds with the 2 quad guns intercept. He choked his possession role during psychic. He killed 3 more sanguinary guard shooting and did little else as I was in metal bawkses. My turn I got out of the metal boxes with all three tacs. SGT cheapo took shots on the blown up raider crew with insignificant casualties. Sgt powefist in the ruin tried to shoot up the imob ravager with no luck. Sgt Rafen (not the DC version) his whos squad was trying to run down a venom on the right flank, they all choked until his plasma pistol (found in the later novels) blew it to pieces and all but one of the DE died. [it is important to note that every plasma rifle I fired the entire game had one over heat each, but I always made my armor save] The Sanguinary guard multi-assaulted two venoms but only killed one the flicker field saved the other with only a glance to show for it. Back on my side of the table one of my two devastator combat squads charged a unit of reavers and killed them 2 and the other 2 broke. The other combat squad was too far away and tried to shoot the other flanks reavers but was ineffective. The dreadnought tried to lend its efforts on the ravager but failed. Sgt cheapos (he wasnt a vet and only had a chainsword) rhino rammed the homunculuss raider immobilizing. [seriously never underestimate the effectiveness of ramming skimmers] Turn 3 (T) - He shot me a lot but was continually ineffective. One or two casualties and two stripped hull points was all he had to show. He charged the devastator combat squad on the right side with the remaining reavers and wiped them. He also boosted the damaged venom away from the SG into my dep zone. Turn 3 (B) - I got a tac objective that would give me massive victory points if I killed a lot of units in CC. So I got greedy and made mistakes. I did little to no shooting this turn, and split off my librarian from the rest of his unit. I assaulted: the revers with the dread {wiped}; The remaining crew of the first dead raider with sgt cheapo {tarpit for the rest of the game}; crew of the venom with libby {wiped}; multi-assault the raveger and the ruins venom crew with Sgt power fist {1 HP, 1 one casualty,tarpit}; herald with the devastators {wiped} (yes I assaulted twice in one game with a squad full of lascannons), the last right flank venom crewman with Sgt Rafen {wiped}, Rammed and rhino boltered the Hemons Raider but failed to trip its last hull point so I assaulted it with the sanguinary guard. The priest went first with his chainsword and wrecked it. Stupid of me I should have waite with the Axe and blown it up. So I ended up with 5 assault kills sort out of a potential 9, I needed 6 for the bonus. Turn 4 (T) - Scourges took the quad gun. Remaining 2 reavers who rallied turn prior charged the dread and killed it with caltrops. 1 died to overwatch. Greater deamon got summoned and the plague bearers got up to the defense line near the devastators. I was sure they were getting charged by the PBs so I went to ground from venom shooting (you cant overwatch after going to ground. did not know that) His haemonculus unit shot my lone libby and killed him. PBs failed their charge but I went to ground so the Devs were porked no matter what. Sgt powerfist won his fight against the ravager and warriors during his turn. Sgt cheapo was locked till the bottom of turn 6 with his boys even after the priest joined in. Turn 4 (B) - SG and priest charged the haemonculus and warriors {he survived with one wound the rest go butchered} I shot lots of rhino bolters at the last reaver and he made all his saves. Other than that I just moved back towards my side of the table to lay fire on scourges and hope the game ended before the bloodthirster ate everything. Turn 5 (T) - scourges killed Sgt cheapos rhino with the quad gun. PBs and Thirster killed the devs. Turn 5 (B) - My shooting was uneventful. I shot lots of rhino bolters at the last reaver and he made all his saves (again). The devastator rhino which stayed within the Aegis the whole game rammed the last venom to death. Turn 6 (T) - BloodThirster charged Sgt power fist and made a really high role he smoked half the squad and took no wounds. He had 4 scourges left and 10 PBs left. Turn 6 (B) - Sgt cheapo finally killed the unit of warriors hed been fighting since turn 3. I shot lots of rhino bolters at the last reaver and he finally died. The rest was just movement. Game ended 16-8 me. I hope you didnt find my battle report tedious to read. Cheers.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:27:38 +0000

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