So let me say this since most women folk won’t talk about it. - TopicsExpress


So let me say this since most women folk won’t talk about it. It’s said that a woman’s pride lies in her hair. So how much pride do women really have in their hair? My African ladies, lol, I see you. Does the pride fall on your own natural hair or on the artificial/someone else’s hair being attached to your own hair. African hair is indeed kinky and difficult to maintain, or men love long hair, as some arguments would come forth, but if a woman looks at herself in the mirror and feels a low self-esteem hence a desperation to amplify her God given hair by wholly covering it with someone’s hair just to feel complete are’nt we then breeding an unhealthy line of thought not just for ourselves but also for our children as to what exactly defines beauty, as in, is it a physical looks first, morals MAYBE after issue? This leads me to the question in whose eyes have you chosen to define beauty? Am not condemning artificial hair or any of its use but am trying to say, how do you weigh your own self esteem? Is your self-esteem linked to a perishable product that without it you don’t feel normal (accepted)? Or is it the lack of moralistic virtues that make you feel not normal? A mix up of priorities can be seen. To maintain any hair-do requires money but those who are economically challenged where do they then get thrown in the fray? Do we say at first glance they are less attractive if they are natural with their hair. Any woman reading this may choose to disagree with my line of thought but then I raise another question to the fore. The lighter the skin the more beautiful a person is right? If you disagree to that question, then why do choose to shoot yourself in the foot that artificial hair is by any means the right measure for beauty, then you have failed to harmonize two outward parts( hair and skin). You can see there is an inferiority complex at work here, it is nothing more than the African woman subconsciously trying to imitate the Caucasian(whites) female folk on a standing bordered on a deeper root of racism and its inferiority-superiority(servant follow master) relationship. If you still disagree, then do explain a woman’s desire to have long hair? Is it not to imitate her Caucasian counterpart? Why do you think most women want to lighten up their skins? Is it not to imitate their Caucasian counterparts in skin tone? If there was another colour of a “superior” human species say red skin, clearly most people would align themselves to that race’s way of customs, lifestyle and even skintone, most African women would dye their skin red if need be. I can exhaust much on this issue, but if this façade is embraced through beauty magazines and t.v shows but never questioned, it’s a poisonous materialistic culture as our derivative especially for our young ones, shame on us. Thank you for reading this far, now some food for thought. Job31: 24. If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence. Then, Proverbs 11:22. Beauty in a woman without good judgement is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout. As things stand, Proverbs 31:10. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Only way, Psalms 118:8. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in humans.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:58:08 +0000

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