So lets comment on the Bob Costas tirade on Sunday Night Football. - TopicsExpress


So lets comment on the Bob Costas tirade on Sunday Night Football. First, as far as I am concerned Mr Costas is entitled to his opinion, as uninformed as it may be. I wonder if he knows that the team was named such in 1930 as a tribute to their head coach Loan Star Dietz, who was an member of the great Sioux Nation. Does Mr. Costas even know the origins of the term Redskin? Second: The owner of the team, Dan Snyder, studied a poll performed by Annenberg Public Policy Center who surveyed 1,000 self identified Native Americans. This poll found that 90% of them did not have a problem with the teams name. Let me also share the word of Robert Green (Retired Chief of the Fredericksburg-area Patawomeck Tribe): “Frankly, the members of my tribe — the vast majority — don’t find it offensive. I’ve been a Redskins fan for years. And to be honest with you, I would be offended if they did change [the name, Redskins ... This is] an attempt by somebody … to completely remove the Indian identity from anything and pretty soon … you have a wipeout in society of any reference to Indian people … You can’t rewrite history — yes there were some awful, bad things done to our people over time, but naming the Washington football team the Redskins, we don’t consider to be one of those bad things.” It just seems funny to me that the only people complaining about the name are, well, white people. Is this really an attempt to right an injustice? I mean honestly, if the people who this is supposed to offend ARENT OFFENDED what is the problem? Also if there are any Native Americans, I dont mean the supposed 2%, I mean full blooded Native Americans who find the name offensive, Those are the ones who should be speaking out. Those are the ones who really have any say in this.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:06:25 +0000

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