So...long day in Birmingham. However, Ive acquired some concrete - TopicsExpress


So...long day in Birmingham. However, Ive acquired some concrete diagnosis. Yes, I do, indeed, have Fibromyalgia, as previously suspected. The aggravating thing about it is that there is no cure or any specific Rx for it so it so its more of a try this or that deal. My Rheumatologist suggested Mobic so Im going to try that. I have dealt with it so long that I will deal with it, as usual. Now, being that my knees swell and retain fluid, daily, thats a different story. Fibro doesnt cause that, specifically, so X-Rays were taken and Im scheduled for an Ultrasound in a few weeks. She does suspect RA and Im leaning towards that too. They did draw blood to rule out Lupus and a few more things. Hopefully that will all come back clear. could be worse. We had an appointment with Ds Opthomalogist this morning, in Birmingham also (kill 2 birds with 1 stone) and since his vision in his left eye has gone from tunnel-vision to all-around blurry, its been suggested for him to be fitted for a contact lense. His eye apparently needs to be refracted. Well see how that goes. Hes not too excited about having to touch his eye. So....that about sums it up! Nothing life-threatening and for that...we are thankful
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:16:50 +0000

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