So many of you continue to inquire about Missys health and all of - TopicsExpress


So many of you continue to inquire about Missys health and all of us (especially Missy) are so extremely touched and grateful for your love and concern. She is slowly but surely regaining her strength. She was able to get dressed today and actually made it down the stairs of her house. I wish I could have captured the surprise and absolute joy on the faces of those two little girls when they saw their mommy sitting at the bottom of the steps in a warm up suit and her hair fixed and make-up on with her arms open wide to their embrace! What a re-union. We had only yesterday finally allowed them to go to see her but they had to stand at the door and just blow kisses. Missy is still very weak and has little appetite. She lost 8 pounds in 5 days. A rough way to lose weight. She still has a great deal of abdominal pain (that disease must have really played havoc with her stomach). Our prayer now is for her to continue to gain an appetite and strength and to be patient. This stuff is nothing to play around with and she could relapse very easily. It is also a disease which can effect her liver. So we are encouraging her not to rush it. We anticipate its going to take her the better part of another week before she is eating normally much less able to function normally again. Meanwhile Mimi and Pop Pop are enjoying our little dolls. We ventured out to Target a couple of days ago. The girls loved it. Mimi and Pop Pop...well..were thinking we might not try that least not when were tired. But the girls had a ball! Thank the Lord for double seated carts. Yesterday our good friend, Denise Wright (and Chairman of the Little Light House Board of Directors) brought by a fabulous roast and vegetables she had prepared for us! What a welcome treat that was! Kaylee and Mia had built a fort (sheet over a card table and a laptray) in the living room and they begged her to get into it with them. What a friend! Cramped as the space was, she crawled right in there with them. Phil had been gone and returned while she was here but came in through the driveway so he didnt see her car. When he came in, I told the girls to keep real quiet and we would play a trick on Pop Pop! When he came in I said, Honey, youve got to see what those girls have put in their fort now!!! Go peak! should have seen his surprise when he lifted the sheet and saw our friend Denise under there! The girls giggled and giggled withe delight about how surprised Pop Pop was! Today, we decided to take in another kid show matinee. Not that the girls were begging for it, but rather because its such a great reprieve for Mimi and Pop Pop! LOL! We got our times mixed up and were early for the show and so we got ice cream for the girls first. It was Madagascar Penguins (which we liked much better than Big Hero) and it was 3D and at that theater that has put in all recliner seats! Talk about comfy! Wow! So great! 3D was a new experience for the girls. They loved the shades and put them on before we even got into the theater. They thought they were too cool for school with their shades on! This time 3 out of the 4 of uus stayed awake and 1 went to sleep. Guess who! Yep, this time Mia slept through most of the move while the rest of us stayed awake and thoroughly enjoyed it!. Afterward we went back to Mommys to say goodnight and to fix her some more home made mashed potatoes (the only thing that has really sounded good to her.) They are loving finally being able to cuddle with their mommy and play in their own playroom, even if its just for a short time. Then home to bed. Night night all!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:34:19 +0000

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