So many things happen in life that impact us. It might be little - TopicsExpress


So many things happen in life that impact us. It might be little to someone else, but to you, it defines who you are. I was recently given (through a security questionnaire) many questions. Who was your favorite pet? Really, who can choose? I’ve had lots of pets I loved that have come and gone. Really, do you expect me to pick a favorite? That’s kind of like asking who your favorite child is .. really ? I was asked where was the first city that I worked? Really, would you like me to tell you that I always had to help at home, babysit (cause I did consider that a real job at the time ) or a real job paying taxes, or my first “real job” after I graduated? Next question, “what is telephone number of \someone in your family other than yours” Oh yea, like people don’t change their phone numbers anymore. Where was I living in my head when I answered that question? How about who was your childhood best friend? Well, I don’t know about you, but if you had to move in your childhood that might have changed as well. The first question that really made sense to me was - What was a significant date in my life? I finally chose that question. I chose the day I got married, not even thinking that I am really not married anymore, I am a widow. But that was a date that will forever stay in my memory, just like my husband’s birth date. While he may not be here, he continues to stay in my heart. I was hoping that I could pick that question again, as I would have picked my own birth date, his birth date, the birth date of the niece I raised ………….. but, alas, I was left with the rest of the stupid security questions …………. And yes, I had to write the answers down. So much for security.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 21:18:39 +0000

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