So much has been written about Mahatma Gandhi - Indias peace - TopicsExpress


So much has been written about Mahatma Gandhi - Indias peace crusader. The man who led Indias independence struggle to free the country from the clutches of British rule of 200 years, turned into a phenomenon with the way he led his life. Generations after, people in India continue to emulate him, try to inculcate some of the principles he lived-and-preached; even as the world leaders seem enamored by him.Some of the simplest things he said were deeply philosophical, societal and always for the larger good. His words are timeless, and go beyond geographical limitations since they are applicable for any country that wants to achieve a social equilibrium through reforms.The journey of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi was highly challenging. During the course of his life, Gandhi sought to resolve the constant plaguing of self-doubt helped him put his truths and beliefs through tough tests of realities that helped him see an issue from different dimensions and perspectives.The take away factors from his life are many. And the more one reads him, the lessons from his life increase with the number of interpretations you can make from the text. Read between the lines, if you must, when you read Gandhi and the essence of his life (and ours, too) increases by manifold to the reader. Humanity and faith Gandhi said: Have faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the whole ocean does not become dirty. His faith in the basic goodness of people remained undeterred throughout his life, which remained largely in the midst of followers and opponents. Be the change While Gandhi turned an unlikely leader of something as massive as a freedom movement, it didnt happen overnight. The man he turned out to be, was a result of constant introspection and clarity that emerged from the process. He remained open to both sides of any argument and faced everything with a smile. No matter what the challenge was, his goal of Indian independence remained clear. Like he said: Be the change you want to see in the world. And what a change he was! Preserving the self Gandhi firmly believed he was in control of his emotions. Even during most disturbing occasions when an argument went awry with his supporters, or his friends, he would quietly retreat and revisit the discussion after having thought through. His friends vouched for this quality of his. He ensured the goal was in sight. And that ego wouldnt rule the roost. He often said: no one can hurt me without my permission. Forgive He had imbibed the best of Indian philosophy. Non-violence was his strongest weapon, and so was forgiveness. He told the world often that forgiving was the quality of the strong, and not the weak. He didnt approve of those who wanted to avenge any injustice or crime. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind he said and liberated his fellow men from anger. Practice what you preach Advice is more easily available land or air today. Even a stranger is capable of telling a fellow passenger how to lead a life that the former may have never known. But, Gandhi firmly believed actions speak louder than words. He remained in control of both his actions and words. An ounce of practice is worth a thousand words is what he lived by. Now is all that you have An English adage says cross the bridge when it comes. Gandhi lived by the essence of today and not what fate would befall on him tomorrow. With the goal clearly before him, he would often look at what could be done now, than later. God has given me no control over the following moment. I am concerned about taking care of the present was his opinion. Never say Never He was well aware of the possibilities and limitations of human beings. He was magnanimous about all the people who came to him confessing their errors. He said once It is unwise to be too sure of ones own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err. Stay on; dont give up Challenges often encouraged him to go that extra mile, put in that extra effort and reach further clarity on how things were to be executed for the goal to be reached. Self-doubt often made him stronger and he came back renewed, rejuvenated and with bigger dreams than before for the country. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win he would say when asked if the challenges didnt bog him down. Keep away the evil Look for best qualities in people and grow with every person you meet. Taking stock of someones lacunae will only make you poorer. Gandhi was aware that he wasnt faultless himself. I will not probe into the faults of others. I only look for goodness in them he reiterated often. Coherence in thought and action Happiness is where there is no conflict within self about what is preached and followed. There are no different rules for self and the world. Happiness is when your thoughts, actions and words align - this was something that he firmly believed in all his life. #copied #economicsforupsc
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:31:44 +0000

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