So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see - TopicsExpress


So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things & respond to others makes all the difference. Thomas Monson Isnt that the truth? If only we would wake up each morning & put on smudge free lenses (Im comparing to wearing glasses because its an easy analogy for me). Throughout life we all get little specs on our glasses. We can choose to address the spec and clean it off immediately or just keep going. I know for myself, its been (and is) very easy just to keep on going. I just tell myself, Ill get that later. Fast forward to a morning when you wake up and your glasses are full of specs. What happens? What happens is you cant see anything or anyone for their true value/worth. We pass judgement on someone when we think we know their entire story. We will never know the entirety of someones story. Every story carries a chapter(s) we prefer not be published. I look at the chapters in my life that Id prefer to have unpublished & realize today that if it werent for that chapter, the next chapter wouldnt be there. Our lives are like one big book. Some of us are book lovers & others of us cant stand the thought of picking up a book to read. Regardless of either choice, when weve all read a book, theres always something we learn. Something that sticks with us. Something well always remember. Every chapter in a book is important. Every chapter in my/your life is important. For without the unpublished chapters in my life, I wouldnt have gained the amount of compassion I have for helping others & it has caused me to judge people less. I say less because its human nature to have/pass judgement. I still continue to fail at that in moments but thats ok because when Ive realized it and try to make it right, thats what matters. Its all about your heart. Passing judgement or being critical of others is easy to do when your glasses are full of specs. You see things, situations, & people distorted. You think people are out to hurt you. You think people want your money. You think people think theyre better then you. You think people dont think they have problems when they are fully aware that they do. You think life will never get better. You think youll never move past those unpublished chapters. When youre looking through dirty lenses, EVERYTHING is distorted. You think youre right & others are wrong. You make excuses for why you are the way you are. You blame your parents. You blame your past. You think others owe you. You easily hop on the pity train. You judge everything about everyone. Youre not grateful. You cant give freely. The list can & does go on and on. I make mention of the things above because that was/has been and still is me in some areas. I have no problem acknowledging it for I know thatll play a role in how my next chapter is written. My next chapter will be written according to the specs on my glasses. We need to wake up each morning and check to see if we have any specs on our glasses. If you do, clean those puppies off. Your entire day depends on it in every which way. How we choose to see & respond to people says more about ourselves then it does about that person and/or their problems or behavior. Our job is to love people. That doesnt mean we let people trample on us or mistreat us. Loving doesnt mean accepting someones behavior or issues. Loving is loving. Seeing & loving someone through tough times is about the biggest statement you could make. Check your glasses. Got specs? *that all just dropped into my heart while waiting at the doctors office (Im fine). I get these nuggets at the strangest times. I guess when I read that quote it all unraveled from there.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 15:05:56 +0000

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