So now I need to do a post comp blog! You’ve all been - TopicsExpress


So now I need to do a post comp blog! You’ve all been patient with me pre-comp when I complained muchly about being tired, grumpy and with little patience. Now I can tell you how “Human” I feel. I have pigged out seriously over the last week. I had read about how to get your diet back on track post comp and I had good intentions of weaning myself onto a normal diet giving my body some much needed TLC but my cravings and mind took over and I can honestly say I have given in to ALL my cravings and had my mad bakeathon over the weekend. Made and ate most of Nigella Lawson’s salty and sweet chocolate bars. Feeling sick I continued to eat!!!! Why, I can’t really tell you?! My mind said I needed the food. My stomach couldn’t keep up with the food intake and hurt. So, 1 stone heavier and cravings out of the way today was a good day back on clean foods just not being strict on the amount for the time being. I will tailor that in a week or so. Somehow the Food Network and Mary & Paul don’t seem to have the same appeal they did before comp. So, about the comp itself. I was happy with what I took to the stage. It is the best condition I have ever been in and I was really happy that my legs came in as good as they did. I always knew I would be battling with lack of size but thought I might be in good enough condition to hide that. But No, so Yes, I was disappointed with my placing I wanted to be good enough to get in Top 3. However on this day the competition was very good (not that I expected or wanted anything else). I let myself down with a few school girl errors – not checking that my tan was dark enough I looked albino next to the others at the pre-judging (when the judges pretty much make up their minds), and didn’t allow myself enough time to pump up backstage to give myself a proper showing. The show ran much quicker than I was expecting (all cudos to Michael Phillips on stellar organisation) and no sooner were we on stage we were off again. Sitting in Wetherspoons looking at the photos my sister took my heart sank (if I am being totally honest). White White White! Damn, how could I not be prepared. I sent some frantic texts during the interval and I had spotted Sarah who I knew helped people with their tan at my qualifier. So I nabbed her to sort my tan out before the evening show so at least I would get the best photos and was uber prepared to pump up so that maybe (just maybe) the judges would see me in a different light. Half a bottle of brandy and bar of dark choc later and fully pumped up and slapped about with a darker tan I was well up for my routine. BRING IT ON…… I thoroughly enjoyed prancing about to Christina Aguilera Ain’t No Other Man. Dedicated to my man (brown bags at the ready!) lol. I had simplified it since the qualifier and felt great doing it (or maybe that was the brandy). That done more choc more brandy and on for the final pose down. Fivos took some great shots. In the line up when 4th place was about to be called I recited my name in some vain attempt that it would not be called but alas it was not to be. I thought I might beat Ania’s (placed 3rd) size with my condition but no. She’s also got great shape and is a lovely person to boot. In summary, I have learned a lot about competition day. How to carb up and what my body responds to. That you can NEVER be too prepared but you certainly can be under prepared. I thought I knew what to expect but I was thinking of 7 years ago when I last competed, things change so every competition needs to be revisited in terms of TAN(!), rules, bikinis, expectations on the day – everything. Never be too far from the action always keep a check on the running order. In the words of Eminem you only get “ONE SHOT”. So now what? Well feedback is that I need more size particularly on my upper body. So continual beastings in the gym from now until whenever I am good enough to come back and take 1st! I don’t compete for trophies so anything other than top 2 will not be satisfactory. So until then I will train hard and try my hardest to eat clean and stay lean during off season. I have a bit of an “all or nothing” mentality and I love my food but am conscious to set a good example for my son. Ill still blog as off season throws up its own challenges X
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:35:15 +0000

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