So obesity is being considered a disability? I have many thoughts - TopicsExpress


So obesity is being considered a disability? I have many thoughts on this. 1) I believe this poses as an insult to those with real, genuine disabilities. I believe someone who unfortunately is confined to a wheel chair, has a mental problem or any other true disability has far more of a right to the countries help, whether that help be of money and/or parking or any other help. Money, I think, could be better spent helping other causes. 2) this country shouldnt be making obese peoples lives easier to stay obese. The government should be doing other things such as raising awareness of the many health risks obesity carries. Allowing obese people benefits only encourages them to stay the way they are, as they wouldnt benefit financially from changing. 3) The government allowing these benefits sets a terrible example for our younger generation. Dont worry about eating healthily and exercising kids...well pay for you later!. 4) This society already gives such an inaccurate view on the fitness industry. To be considered fit and healthy to society you have to eat wholemeal bread, do moderate exercise 2-3 times, not to squat below parallel, dont lift heavy weight and eat 5 pieces of fruit a day. Anyone who has half a brain in the fitness industry will know all the above is basically rubbish. Coaches I know already struggle to change the publics perceptions on fitness. Allowing these benefits will only make obesity, laziness and naivety acceptable. Everyone should want to learn how to become as healthy as they can. Im not purposely trying to sound insensitive, however, I believe a certain amount of stigma should be put on this subject so people understand how ridiculous, unfair and unsafe these benefits could be. Obese people do need help, but they need help to come out of obesity and lead a healthier lifestyle, not stay in their current unhealthy lifestyle and benefit from it.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:58:04 +0000

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