So over dudes who bully or abuse women and/or children. Even more - TopicsExpress


So over dudes who bully or abuse women and/or children. Even more over dudes who do that and saunter around like theyre nice and charming people. Friends! You know men like this. You probably have him in your phone book or Friends list right now. Youve probably had him over for dinner and hes probably played frisbee with your kids. They dont look like the cruel monsters they are. They never apologize, never feel remorse for their actions (unless theyre caught of course, and its usually for themselves). Never for those they harmed. Its disgusting. So grateful for the decent men of the world. If you believe yourself to be a decent man then please do not make light of violence towards women. Be aware when its happening. The off color jokes, comments.....Dont be part of the problem. Be a real human being and voice how uncool it is. Confront the dick heads who act that way and dont buy into their excuses. If a woman confides in you about abuse, help her if you can. She might be scared. When most women cry wolf its because they actually saw a wolf. Stand up for those who are victimized and help them feel safe. Its a very scary world for those who have experienced any sort of violence from a loved one.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 02:55:26 +0000

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